Chapter four: I'd Like To Know Your Name!

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Katy's Pov

I mannaged to get out of the barn. This wonderful guy was behind me, he was half way out when they yelled us to stop. I grabbed his hand helping him to get out and stand. I screamed in the moment I heard a gun fire. They shot us. For the first time in my life I was scared to death for someone I didn't even know. I was afraid for this beautiful guy, I did not want him to get hurt.

As soo as we heard the gun shot we started running through bushes, so they would lose us. They were after us. We were about 60 yard ahead, we have been running for a few minutes like this. We had a small advantage because it was dark and they couldn't see us verry well. But still we had to run.

We were still holding our hands. When I realised this, I forgot why I was running. I just thought why am I holding his hand if he's a stranger? Why he doesn't let go? Even tough I didn't know him I liked holding his hand, it wasn't bothering me, contrariwais it was comforting me. I loved feeling his warm hand on my cold one.

When I was thinking about this, he stopped running taking me by surprise. He spotted a small cave where we could hide untill the kidnappers would give pu searching us tonight. It was a hole in a rock, covered by bushes and leaves.They woulsn't see us in there. As we went in there, I begun feeling the fear again. I started shaking and crying slighletly.

We tried to get comfortable in the little cave. We were sitting very close to each other so he noticed I was shaking. Without saying a word he hugged me thightley comfoting me. I could feel his heartbeat, wich was like a sedative for me. I my heart was running before this well inspired hug, now it was slowing down. I felt so good in his arms, listening his heartbeat and feeling how good his shirt smelled.

But this wonderful moment was ruined by those guys. They were getting closer and closer wich made my heart race again. I could hear their footsteps, I could see their shadows. Fortunately, they couldn't see us. This great guy was supporting me. We were listening to what they said.

"Damn it! We lost them! Bullshit!"

"So what's next?"

"We're gonna have to find the girl tomorrow. I don't care about the boy, i need the girl and even if she escaped this time she can't run forever! We'll get her!"

I was trembling. They will find me. I was so damn sick of running from them. I had enough!

After their little talk they gave up on searching us and returned to the barn. We waited about half of hour and then we started walking in the opposite dirrection still holding our hands unconsciosly. We had a fast pace. My feet began to hurt advancing through the dense vegetation. We walked like this for a few miles. I needed to take a break because I've been walking a lot in the past few days.

I stopped and said: "I can't keep walikg. I need a break!"

"Ok, but not a really long one. We have to keep going." He said with his wonderful voice.

I finnaly sat down. I needed this so much! But there's something else I needed more, I needed to get to know him.

"I think I'd like to know the name of the guy who saved me tonight!" I said breaking the silence.

He smiled. "It's Zayn Malik. And what's the name of the girl I've been risking my life tonight?"

I loughed and said: "It's Katy, Katy Mattews! By the way I really like your name, Mr. Malik!"

He smiled again, looing at me with those angelish eyes. "Call me Zayn!"

"Fine! So, do we have a plan?"

"Uhmmm, not really..."

"Oh, okay... so we are going to go blindly through this area..."

"Wait! i've got an idea! There's a river near by. We have to get to it. It will vead us to a road."

"Ok, but do we know wich way he have o go?"

"I know that right now we are going to he seaside, wich is a good thing. I don't exactly know wich way the river is, but I'll be able to get to it as soon as we reach the seaside. So, we're good!"

"Oh, thank Lord! But we have another problem." I hated ruin his adorable enthusiasm but he had to think about everything.

"What?"  He asked like a little kid getting in trouble.

"It's dark, I'm exhausted and it will rain."

As soon as I said that, a strong  wind began to beat bringing dark clouds. In a short time it started to rain. We had nowhere to hide from the cold water. We thought about making a fire but we realised that it wouldn't be a good idea because the kidnappers could see where we were, so we began walking again to keep warm.

A few hours have passed and finnaly the rain had stopped. We could see the first sunshine. If we weren't running from those guys, this would be really romantic. The clouds were gone and the sky had a beautiful shadow of blue.

We stopped for a little break.

"I'm so cold!" I said trmbling.

He came next to me and he hugged me thightley. We laid down and watched the sunrise. It felt so good feeling the sun kiss my cold skin and Zayn's hand holding mine. It was like a dream. We were so tired and we fell asleep without even noticing.

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