Disaster at the Beach

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When we came back up, everyone was laughing. "What?" I asked. Brandon was blushing. "Brandon's trunks fell down when he went to ask the paparazzi to leave!" Tristan said laughing. Jeremy started laughing, as did I. The girls decided to try to tan so we laid on the sand. We all put in our earbuds. I played "More Than I Should" by Hunter Hayes. I loved his music.

Halfway through the song, I felt something in front of me. I opened my eyes and Jeremy was standing by my feet. I paused the song and took out my earbuds. "Yes, Jer?" I said. Then he picked me up and ran into the water. Then he dropped me in. When i came up, i laughed and splashed him. Then went back to tanning.

After "More Than I Should," "Somebody's Heartbreak" played. The guys were playing football. Suddenly, I heard screaming. I paused my iPod and looked toward the sound. Brandon tripped over Heather going for the football. I just continued tanning.

After we finished tanning, we put our iPods away and went swimming. Suddenly, Shauna was gone. We called the boys over and they didn't see her either. Some guy ran over and pulled her out of the water. She was drowning. Everyone was circled around her. Jeremy and Tristan pushed their way through to her while Shameik and Brandon stood with me, Chanelle, and Heather. We were freaking out. Heather ran to the car and locked herself in it because she got scared. Brandon, Shameik, Chanelle, and I pushed through to the front. Tristan walked over to us and hugged Chanelle. I'm still not sure if they are dating or what. Jeremy was still with Shauna. He was holding her hand. I don't get jealous but this hit me hard in the gut like something was up.

When Shauna spit out the water, Jeremy hugged her and she kissed him. He didn't fight it though. I just turned around and started walking away so no one would see me crying. "Jill!" Chanelle shouted. I just kept walking. I wiped my eyes and someone grabbed my arm. I turned to see Tristan. He was a fast runner. Chanelle was close behind though. Tristan just hugged me. He didn't say anything. Brandon and Shameik were by Chanelle. Shauna and Jeremy where somewhere.

Once I calmed down a bit, Tristan looked me in the eyes. "Are you ok?" He asked. "I'm not sure...." I replied with tears in my eyes. An ambulance came to get Shauna and Brandon went with her to the hospital. Jeremy ran over. "Jill! I'm so sorry!" He said and Tristan turned around. "Jeremy, you've done enough right now." He said. I was standing behind Tristan. Shameik put his arm around Jeremy's shoulder and started walking away and talking to him, probably to find out what happened exactly. "Jill, are you gonna forgive him?" Chanelle asked. "I don't know." I said wiping a tear.

Chanelle and Tristan got all the stuff and put it into the car. Suddenly, I saw Jeremy running toward me. "TRISTAN!!! CHANELLE!!!" I shouted running backwards. They looked and saw him. Shameik was chasing behind Jeremy. I started running backwards faster and fell. Jeremy was fast too and he grabbed my arm. "I'm so sorry, babe, i really am." He said. I just started crying. "No, babe, don't cry!" He said. "Jeremy, get away from her." Tristan said. "No. I-I can't leave her." He said starting to cry now too. Shameik then grabbed Jeremy and pulled him away from me. Shameik was a strong guy. I think he could lift his own weight if he had to. Tristan helped me up. Jeremy somehow got free from Shameik and ran over and hugged me. "Jeremy. We have to talk." I said wiped away a few tears and pulled him to the side by his shirt.

"I'm so sorry babe!" He said. "Stop saying that and listen. I thought you were different, I put my walls down and then you do this. You kiss Shauna! Why would you do that to me, to us! I just can't believe you." I said. "Jill, Shauna told me that she thought i was the one that saved her so that was her way of thanking me because she didn't know what else to do! I love you! You know that! I would NEVER cheat on you with anyone!" He said. A few tears slipped out of my eyes as I went to hug him. He hugged me back. "I love you, do you believe that?" He said. "Of course, I love you too." I said and he kissed my forehead. He picked me up and carried me to the car.

He set me down and Tristan and Shameik pulled him to the side. I could hear what they were saying. "You ever do that again, I'll kill you, ok?" Tristan said. "Yeah, that was messed up dude." Shameik said. "I promise i won't. I'll tell u guys what happened later, ok?" Jeremy said. The guys nodded and we started heading home.

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