Who Are You?

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I heard sticks breaking I turn around and see Zane the boy I was going to marry before I ran away " Y/N it's nice to see my princess is doing well ."Go away Zane I don't want to marry you nor do I want to be your princess." Well that's your choice my darling but you will regret it remember you can come back to your village anytime to marry me well looks like it's getting late I should go." Wait Zane what do you mean by-." Before I could say anything else he was gone it was getting pretty late so I thought I should go to bed.

(2 hours later)

About two hours after I fell asleep I heard people talking so I assumed it was guards look for me so I got up put on my helm got my sword and climbed to the top of the tree, but the thing was I forgot to hide H/N and I forgot to put my fire out this is just great. A couple minutes went by and i kept hearing the voices get closer and closer and next thing i know the tree branch falls and I'm in front of 3 guards wow smooth Y/N I just sat there staring at them one had a helm on so I couldn't see what he looked like, the second one had dirty blonde hair and green eyes I thought to myself he was pretty cute, and the third had blue hair and I don't know what color eyes it was so dark I could barley see them. "Who are you? Are you with Zane? Why are you here?" Asked the boy with the helm " Ok calm down there my name is Y/N I'm not working with Zane I'm trying to get away from him and I'm here because I'm running away from my father he's forcing me to get marred. Now that I told you who I am tell me who you are." As soon as the first one started started talking a girl appeared out of the bushes.


Hi everyone I hope your enjoying the story sorry I haven't been updating much but I'm so close to thanks giving break for school and I'll be writing a lot then and i might just do a side stories for thanks giving. And I finally figured out what I'm going to call my readers I'm going to call you drum roll please........... The Divine Warriors I know it's from MCD but it sounds so cool so for the first time I'm saying goodbye to my Divine Warriors.

Xoxo KitKat singing off bye!!!

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