New school

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Key (A.K.A. Kibum) P.O.V

"Kibum-ah~~~ wake up" I heard somebody say. God shut up I need my beauty sleep. I rolled over snuggling deeper into my blanket while grunting trying to get whoever that was to leave me alone. I felt someone smack my head, and heard the high pitch snap of a voice I recognize as mother saying well yelling "KIM KIBUM!!! Get your butt up, or you'll be late for your first day at your new school!!!" Ughhhhhh this woman. I love her, but I don't want to get up!!! I guess I should or else she will scream more. I sat up " I'm up I'm up!! Please be quiet." She payed no attention to how upset I was and replied "just make sure to get up and come down for breakfast." After she left my room I got up and took a shower. I dried my hair and styled it to perfection of course, then I walked to my closet to pick an outfit since I don't have a uniform yet. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked out of my room to go downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and sat down. I ate my food and got up to kiss my mother on the cheek and hug her goodbye. "Bye mom see you after school." She pulled me into another hug and said "well I might not be home and if you have friends stay out as long as you want ok! Bye sweetie!!!" She is too energetic, but she's my mom so I have to love her. I walked outside and started off to school. I walked through the school gates and began to walk towards the big building that is my new school it's nice and big lets hope things go well. I felt the weird looks people were giving me though I brushed it off, because they were probably gawking at how amazingly good looking I am. I smirked as I walked through the front entrance door looking for the main office. Once I saw it I walked in through the door up to the front desk. The lady at the the desk looked up at me with a fake smile and asked "how may I help you?" I put on a fake sweet smile and bowed introducing myself "hello my name is Kim Kibum but I people call me Key I am the new transfer student." Her smile turned from fake to warm and sincere her whole attitude changed as she said "I'm so happy we have a new student welcome welcome I just get tired of these kids actions. I'm sorry I acted like that before the children at this school are a handful hahaha I hope they don't treat you bad..." She stood up to walk around the desk and put her hands on my shoulders before she continued "now don't be afraid to stand up to them but just try not to get into trouble ok?" She moved back behind her desk and looked through a file, she stood back up and handed me a sheet of paper while saying "here's your schedule and about our school it's a bit different at our school the students don't switch to other class rooms the teachers go to the room so your home room will be the room you will be in all year except for the few classes that you have to go with your teacher to but you'll figure it out goodbye have a great day!" I bowed again and walked out the door and bagan to look for room 1423. The bell rang and I saw people scurrying off to their classes it made me smile a little only a little. I finally found what's going to be my new class for the whole year. I knocked on the door and a really young handsome no he was fucking hot opened the door. His smile grew when he saw me I bowed and he said "you must be the new transfer student Kim Kibum.." Before he said anymore I interrupted "I'm sorry to interrupt but please call me Key" he nodded with a slightly amused face and continued with what he was saying "we'll Key it's nice to meet you I will be your home room Lee Jinki but call me Onew and I'll be your vocal teacher and ill see you at the end of the day I guess we'll be able to get to know each other really good" he winked then said "ok come in I'll introduce you to the class." We walked into the classroom to the center of the room. "Ok class this is our new student please treat him well." He looked at me "now please introduce yourself to the class." I nodded ok here goes I bowed "hello my name is Kim Kibum but please call me Key please take care of me!" I looked at the people I was going to be spending this year with they look normal some of the girls are pretty but I'm ten times better and they guys they had all the types masculine, hot nerd, pretty, cute, and some were just damn when I saw them I just wanted to jump them. Ok I have to hold back I looked back to my teacher and saw how hot he is and all I have to say is OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! He is hot with a capital H. Ok I have to stop eye fucking my teacher and just ask where I sit " um where do I sit?" Onew got a look of surprise on his face then answered "ah you can sit in front of Kim Jonghyun! Ok?" I nodded onew smiled "ok Jonghyun raise your hand." I saw the guy that looks like he would be a total dick raise his hand, but even if he looks like a prick he is fucking sexy. How I would just jump on him if we were alone. I shook my head lightly and walked to my seat, god I sound like a total creep in my head but who wouldn't think that about someone so hot and mouth watering. Shut up!!!!! Stupid dirty mind god!!!!!!! Lets just hope this day goes well. 

School sucks... Or not? (shinee fanfic jongkey yaoi )Where stories live. Discover now