chapter two

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     Cassidy's Point Of View ( Chapter two )

" Well I better get to class now, it was really great meeting you! Nick?" i said to him

 " Yeah, my name is Nick ;) " nick replied to me in a very flirty way

  I was heading to math class and Nick was right behind me. For a second I thought he was following me, but then I realized he Probably had the same class as I did. I didn't want to say anything to him like ask him to sit by me in math class. I would have but all the girls were staring at him. It was really weird.  I wasnt jealous. I just got a feeling. A feeling I shouldn't be getting because Nick wasn't mine. At least not yet.. Wait did I just say that?!? Oh no! please dint tell me I'm falling for him. I heard steps getting closer and knew it was him because I felt butterflies. He gently grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. His hand felt so warm and I thought I was day dreaming but I wasn't. This was real. 

" Hey, wait up I think we're both going to math class" he said to me

" Oh well yeah I guess so..." I replied to him

" Yeah, we should sit together?" he continued 

 " sure, i'd love to! " I said replied to nick in a very shy voice.

I  got to admit I felt so red I just hope I wasn't blushing. And if I was I hope he didn't notice it. Me and nick were entering class together. I was about to sit down next to him, when some girl pushed me down to the floor and sat next to him. Suddenly five more girls surrounded him. I felt the tears starting to come down. I didn't understand what was happening. Before nick could stop me I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could. Nick ran behind me but the teacher stopped him.

While I was In the bathroom crying I thought to my self. I understood that he was attractive but was it necessary for them to attack me to the floor? This never happens, he wasn't even a popular boy. Nick had told me he was new and I believe him because he is the sweetest thing ever. I stopped thinking about this.and decided to wipe my tears and stay in the bathroom. I waited till i heard the class be dismissed. I didn't want nick to see me. I heard Nick pass the girl's bathroom. He sounded happy. Was he playing with me?

I decided to leave and get out of the bathroom. As soon as I stepped out of the door I felt Nick's warm body hug mine. It was honestly the best feeling ever. I didn't complain, because it felt so perfect. If i had complained it wouldnt be fare to him because I knew it wasn't his fault those girls knocked me over.

 " Cassidy, I'm so sorry those girls did that to you!! " nick said apologizing 

 " it wasn't your fault those girls love you " i said to him

 " it doesn't matter if they love me, because I'm falling for another girl that and I think its you" nick couldn't have said that in a more perfect way.

Im Normal I Promise -an ICONic Boy/ToBeOne love storyWhere stories live. Discover now