Everyone Just Says "Shut Up" A Lot Here

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"Joe, don't lift your foot again or you're out of the game!" Ryan complained, looking over at Joe, who slowly placed his foot flat on the Twister mat. "Okay, Brendon, left hand yellow!"

"Are you fucking - " Brendon moved his hand, "now I'm, like, right under Gerard's crotch!"

"Shut up. Travie, right foot red!"

"Oh so he gets to just have his foot away from everyone else but I - "

"Shut the hell up, Brendon. Patrick, you still in?" Ryan asked, looking up from the spinner. Patrick lifted his head from under Andy's stomach.


"Alright, left foot gr - that's it, Joe get off the mat you can't keep shifting your goddamn feet!"

Joe fell down, rolling off the map. "This game is dumb."

"Just because you lost doesn't make it - "

"Shut up, Hurley."

"Joe, shut up because I'm getting a headache and my body is literally over Frank's so please don't test me," Mikey grunted, lifting his eyes. Joe flipped him off,

"You like it," Frank shot back, making Mikey's eyes roll.

"Just like you like fucking my br - "

"Andy, right hand red!" Ryan said hurriedly, not wanting to know where Mikey's statement was going. Andy moved his hand, getting another complaint from Brendon.

"I think you shouldn't be spinning for the turns," Brendon said, lifting his head to look at Ryan.

"I think you should shut the fuck up."

"Well I don't care what you think about me," Brendon huffed. Joe snorted.

"Is that what you say when your dick - "

"Mikey, left hand yellow!"

- - -

"Joe just complained and drank a lot of vodka," Mikey explained, rolling on his stomach, running a hand through his hair.

"You gonna miss Gerard though?" Pete asked from the other end.

"I guess, but he'll be over a lot so it'll probably be like he's still living here. Mom and Dad are kinda ripped up about it, but it'll mean I won't have to hear him and Frank bang as much."

"And you don't enjoy that?" Pete teased. Mikey's nose scrunched up.

"No! Jesus, no. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. I wanna go to college next year, but that just seems so long. But I've already given up on myself twice so it's not like I can tell my mom 'Oh hey, I'm not going to college because I'm a lazy fuck!" She wouldn't take that well."

Mikey snorted. "I'd still love you if you didn't go to college."

"You'd still love me if I wore Crocs."

"Woah, babe, that's a little far," Mikey laughed, rolling on to his side. "But yeah, probably."

"What a sucker."

"You've been wearing the same shirt of mine for the past two days!" Mikey protested.

"That's different," Pete defended.

"No, it's not."

"Yes it is."

"Don't argue with me."

"Fight me."

"In the sheets."

"Pete!" Mikey said, shocked. He heard Pete laughing and rolled his eyes. "You're gross."

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