All Things Hidden- Chapter 2

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After Soren and I finish talking to Brie and Jax, it was about three A.M., so we decided to hit the hay. The sun rose three and a half later, waking me up.

"Uhgg, turn off the light," I groaned and rolled closer into Soren's arms. When I opened my eyes and realized I was in a cave, and no, nobody could turn off sunlight, I deiceded to wake Soren up. I kissed him, and his eyes fluttered open.

"Hey," I whisper.

"Hey yourself," Then he kissed me, really kissed me. I was giddy with joy, my body filling up with the feeling. I don't know how long we were kissing for, but Soren suddenly pulled away and I found myself eye to eye with Jax.

"Could you guys please refrain from all the PDA?" Jax asked us.

"Jax! Way to be rude! We're their guests," Brie says, "To be honest, you guys remind me of my old boyfriend and I. We never broke up, but I assume he didn't make it out," Brie started the conversation smiling, but now there is this distant melancholy look in her eyes. I can tell she must have really liked him.

"Well, I really don't have a taste for watching people make out," Jax said with mock seriousness, "If you please continue out there," Jax pointed out the door into the woods.

Soren and I laughed.

"We were about ready for breakfast anyway,"

For breakfast we ate some blackberries that Brie had gathered.

"These are delicious Brie," I compliment her and she beams.

"So guys, continuing the discussion from earlier, we should set some ground rules," Jax started, and I could see he was a natural leader.

"Okay," Soren said.

"How about minimal PDA," Jax suggested, pointing in our direction with a hilarious look on his face, so stupid nobody could resist laughing.

"How 'bout no leaving the cave alone and no leaving without telling anybody," Soren suggested in all seriousness, probably not wanting a repeat of last night.

"I second that," I say raising my hand.

"Okay then," Jax burns the edge of a stick in the small fire we had burning in the back of the cave and writes with char on the cave wall: No leaving cave alone and not telling group

"Next?" Jax asks.

"We should pick a leader," Says Brie, "and I nominate Jax,"

"I second that," Soren proclaims

"And I third it," I smile, my nose crinkling in happiness.

"Well that makes it official," Jax's huge smile brightens the room.

"Now all we need is a team name," Soren laughs, his laugh makes my inside warm.

"Okay back to business," Brie smiles.

"Um, no taking food and supplies unauthorized," I suggest, and Jax scribbles that down below the first rule.

"Very good Kara," Soren rubs my back, then holds my hand.

"PDA!!!" Jax yells and points at Soren and I.

I chuckle, then look up at Soren. He is looking at Jax with a complicated look on his face that I've never seen on him before. It was a complete look of jealousy.

"Okay, Kara," He said finally, after a long moment of silence, "Let's show him real PDA."

He picked me up like a baby, and carried me to the other side of the large cave, kissing the top of my head the whole time. My heart fluttered and seemingly stopped. He puts me down against the wall, but I didn't think I could stand much longer.

When he softly fit his lips over mine, it was heaven on earth. I pressed my lips harder into his, my heart fluttering faster as the pressure increased. I opened my eyes for a brief moment, seeing all gawking eyes me and Soren. It's not often I say this, but I enjoyed the attention.

The moment was perfect; until the cave wall collapsed.

Rocks were crumbling around us, hitting us with too much force for us to remain upright. I fell, hitting the ground hard with Soren on top of me. Just when I was sure that the collapse was over, a large stone dropped from the ceiling, landing hard on my forehead.

I awoke to three worried faces peering down at me. I didn't recognize the girl and the hot guy for a moment, until memories of the day so far hit me like a bullet. I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I realized I had just thought of Jax as hot.

"Hey Kara," Soren softly bending down to kiss my forehead lightly. I wince at the sharp pain that traveled all the way to my toes.

"Ouch!" I yelp, in pain.

"Sorry," Soren says monotony, like his affection should never be able to hurt me.

"Here," Brie slowly lowers an ice pack covered in tree moss onto my forehead. "The moss will keep it from getting too cold,"

"Thanks," I smiled at Brie.

"That was some rock you took the noggin, Red," Jax goofily smiled.


"Like you have red hair,"

I laugh, but Soren stares needles and knives into me, so I immediately stop.

"Actually, Jax," Soren started snottily, "Her name is Karalee Constance LaBelle."

"Soren, stop!" I yelled. What was running through his mind that made him think he could say that to our friend?

"Guys, look," Brie says, "The wall that caved in leads somewhere!"

Soren and Jax both offer me their hand up, but I stand up on my own.Brie leads the group out of the cave, and into a berry patch that consisted of a mere three bushes. Jax takes one from the bush and tosses it in the air and catches them in his mouth. I realize I was staring at him when Soren grabs my wrist.

"The cave is empty. Wanna go?"

"No thanks," I say, "I wanna hangout and explore with our new friends,"Soren looked deflated.

"Fine, go hangout with Jax," Soren says rudely. What is with him?

"What is up with you right now?" I practically scream at him. "All you're talking about is Jax this, Jax that! I can't stand it!"

"Sorry Kara. It's just, you're all that I have now. I can't lose you too. Seeing how you look at him," he pauses, taking a deep breath, "it's like a giant fist squeezing my heart."

I stand there in shock. "What on earth are you talking about! I love you! We have been dating for almost a year without one fight! Where did all that mushiness come from? That is not the Soren that is my boyfriend!"

"Whatever. See you later Kara," He grumbles as he stalks off into the cave.

"That's a shame," a voice whispers behind me. I jump, startled, then whip around.

"Hi," Brie says calmly.

"You scared me!" I yell.

"Sorry. So, what's gonna happen to you and Soren?"

"Nothing is going to change. He's gonna sleep on it and realize he was being unreasonable," I reply, but really, I have no idea.

"If you say so," Brie shrugs.

"Hey guys," Jax yells from the woods, "You might want to see this."

As Brie and I walk through the woods toward Jax, he leaned down for a moment and when he appeared again, his face was worried. Very worried.Brie sped up and I followed behind her. When Brie finally had a view of whatever Jax was looking at, she abruptly stopped. I halted, then inched around her so I could see.

It was a girl.

Authors note- Thanks for reading guys- during the middle of the chapter you'll notice the style of writing sort of changes. That's because my friend drops_ofrain is helping me out a bit writing this book. Enjoy! Please o' please comment below! Your thoughts and comments are very important to me, err us. :)

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