It's Time...

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I was getting ready with the rest of my crew. These motherfuckers wanna mess with my crew they got another thing coming to them.

"Ray" I yelled

"What's up Roc?"

Yea that's my name. I got it when I was put into the crew. We call ourselves the Knights. In reality my name is Chresanto or Chris for short but only my family calls me that. Not even Ray calls me that and that's my Ride or Die nigga. But back to what I was doing.

"Is everybody getting ready? These freaking Rollers ain't gonna come to the Southside and act like they run shit up in here. They need to keep they asses up in the North I ain't down with this shit. Then these niggas tryna push up on our girls? Nah playa it ain't going down like that. Fuck out of here with that shit. 

"Ray we about to kill niggas today. Shit's about to go down. Pissin me off right now"

"Yo Roc I understand you angry and all but calm that shit down dawg. Take your anger out on the streets not here on all our damn weapons."

Why I let him talk to me like that? I told you that's my Ride or Die nigga. He the only one I let talk to me like that. But also because I have anger issues. I've been on three different medications from doctors and that shit never works. After that I was just like "fuck it. I ain't taking shit." and now I'm just angry all the time. Oh well I use my anger in many different ways. Specially with torture.

-Pulling a nigga's teeth out

-Pulling a nigga's nails off

-Cutting off his balls

-Slicing him into pieces

You know the usual. Anyway I was just about done getting ready.

"Ray get the rest of the crew and meet me at our usual spot near the cemetery. Oh and tell that nigga Prod imma be waiting for him there."

He nodded and walked out with the big duffel bag full of guns anf other shit.

After he walked out I closed the door to my litte "office" and went into my secret draw.

"Where is it?" I mumbled to myself.

"Yes. Found it!" I took out what I was looking for. My Bible.

I dusted it off. Wasn't that dusty but you know, gotta keep everything clean especially the word of God.

I cleared the little bed I had by my table put the Bible down on the bed anf got on my knees.

"Dear Lord..."

Prod POV


Waddup its the nigga Prodigy leader of the Rollers. Yeah I'm up in Roc's area this nigga don't own me. Yeah I pushed up on the Knight girl. They sexy as hell. I just got a message from Ray telling me Roc wanted me to meet over by the cemetery over in central LA. Of course I'm gonna have my followers with me. I ain't going there alone. I got my crew with me and of course My Taco Nigga Jacob or Prince, too.

It was about time for us to leave so we're all walking towards the cemetery since we weren't that far away from it in the first place.

"Ayo Jacob you got everything dude?"

He nodded. He pointed to the bag that some other nigga in the group was holding and I knew that all the guns we need was in there. I stopped everyone when we were across the street and told them to hide the guns in a place those damn Knights can't see. After that we threw the bag into a bush and started walking back to the cemetery. Don't worry though we are in an open field so were not disrespecting the dead. We both have some morals like damn a thug still got some type of heart.

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