Questioning the Gods

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Questioning the Gods; Is it my turn yet?


"That's not right.." Soul bared his teeth, not in an aggressive fashion, but rather in a protective one. Maka stumbled as she stood.

"Well, right or not, he's there!" She snapped. Her eyes were glassy, but drying. How could she be so strong at a time like this? Soul marveled at his Meister's will. He clenched his jaw.

"Fine! We beat him once, we can do it again." Soul brought up a clenched fist. He was still against the tree. Soul didn't trust himself to stand on his own. She may be small, but damn, she packs a punch. He wiped blood from the corner of his mouth. Maka's eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry! I just couldn't control myself. I didn't mean to-" she began to fuss.

"Just stop talking Maka. I'm fine. Always have been, and always will be." He smirked. Maka blinked, then gave him a smile. The first one in days.

"Ok. If you say so." She laughed. Soul reveled in her momentary happiness. That's all he wanted for her. He loved seeing her smile. Especially when he was the one who made her smile. But his own smile faltered. His own insanity just sentenced his partner to a slow and painful downfall. Not exactly cool.

'Nothing tells a girl you love her like infecting her with a demon formed from black blood.' He thought bitterly. Maka had begun strolling back to the school before she realized Soul wasn't following.

"You coming slowpoke?" She joked. Soul pulled himself out of his daze and looked at her with a surprised look. He quickly hid that behind his signature expression and nodded.

"Of coarse. I can't wait to go to school, straight-A student Albarn." Soul retorted in a sarcastic fashion. She narrowed her eyes as he walked closer.


Oh shit

"CHOP!" A book landed solidly on his skull.

"Oh why do you never miss...?" Soul groaned. Maka giggled.

"Who can miss with a head as big as yours?" She made a playful jab. Soul leapt up.

"Now wait a minuet! My head isn't that big! So what if my hair hair is spiky. Chicks dig spiky hair!" Soul ranted. Maka looked at his hair with humor in her eyes.

"Oh is that what you call it?" She mimicked him from earlier. Soul opened his mouth, but all that came out was laughter. Soon he and Maka were basically rolling on the ground laughing. They hadn't laughed like this is awhile. A very long while.

They lay in the grass on their backs, watching the sky. The top of their heads were nearly brushing against each other. Neither of them had wanted to go back to class, so they just stayed there, asking each other ridiculous questions, like if Lord Death and Kidd got in a fight who would win or How would you react if Tsubaki and Black Star started dating? It was a distracting technique. Who wanted to focus on a dormant demon?

"Ok,ok. My turn." Maka brushed away Soul's previous half ass question. She turned her head from side to side. Should she ask?

"Why not, little scythe girl?" The voice was back. The demon was here. Maka stifled the gasp of pure shock. "Did you think I'd leave you for good, just because lover boy showed up? Listen sweetheart. He can't interpret your wavelength like you can. You're all alone!" He laughed with extreme malice.

"Woah, Maka. Still with me?" Soul laughed. She blinked back into reality. She faked a smile.

"Of coarse. Just thinking. I don't know what to ask exactly, but I have an idea." She played it off so easily. The demon flashed an image in her head of Soul's scar. She bit her lip. She was weak. She couldn't let him get to her.

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