'No, their wolves did!' Luceat answered my thoughts. 'They don't want to disrespect you, but their humans wouldn't bow; so they forced them!' Luceat cleared up my confusion. For me.

"It wasn't me. It was your wolves." I said as I went to stand by the wall. Everyone in the coach looked like they talked to their wolves, so I didn't interrupt.

The alpha coughed after a few minutes, bringing everybody back from their thoughts. "So, princess." The alpha said, a little bit too rude for Luceat's liking. But I just nodded at him, letting him know he could say what he had to say.

"We have come to an agreement, you have permission to stay here for how long as you want. You can also join our pack whenever." The alpha then bowed.

After that I dragged Shaun out in the hallway. "Ok, so first of all. I. Hate. Dresses. Second, you know how to locate in this house." I said, and he knew what I was talking about, so he lead me to my room.

"Thanks Shaun." I said and gave him a smile, he smiled back. "I'll be nearby." He said and left.

As I got in to the room I heard someone gasp, it sounded like it came from the empty wardrobe in the corner of my room. Why would anyone be in there..?

Slowly I opened the door, revealing a little kid. Oh god, no. Not children.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to sound nice. The kid, who was a little boy, laughed. He was kinda cute, like 'kid-cute'.

"I am hiding from my brother." He whispered. "Why do you have a princess dress? And a crown?" The little boy said.

"I am wondering that too, little boy. But please, can you get out of my closet. And my room too. I need to change, these clothes are horrible." By the 'my-clothes-are-horrible' part, I had lifted him up on my hip. Fortunately, he was just about 4 or 5 years old, and didn't weigh anything.

"Im Cabe, whats your name?" He asked as I put him down o the floor outside of my room. I gave him a little smile. "Stella." I answered him. "Bye Stella!" He said and then I closed the door. He was nice, and wasn't all weird and disgusting as other kids. Luceat nodded at my thought. She liked children who was nice.

Quickly I got out of the dress and put on a pair of grey sweatpants and a big dark red hoodie. My hair I pulled up in a bun, as I did this morning.

When I got out in the corridor I saw a couple of people there. Unfortunately I wasn't really a social butterfly, in my opinion. But I had to ask for directions.

I approached a woman who were walking down the corridor. "Excuse me, do you know the way... Uhm, somewhere really? I just moved in and I can't find anything." The woman smiled at me and I smiled back, to be nice.

"Of course. Im Welma." She said and started walking with my hand in hers, pulling me with her to wherever we were going. "Im Stella." I introduced myself and she nodded.

Welma was very good looking. She had a curvy body and really long, pretty, brown hair going down underneath her boobs. She wasn't dressed slutty or anything, she was dressed in some kind of clothes from a, what it looked like, expensive brand. Maybe she was some kind of fashonista?

"Here's the living room." She said and dragged me to the coach, where some people sat. Two guys and a girl. "This is Isaac, my mate." She said and pointed towards a big guy. "And this is Caleb." She said and pointed towards an even bigger guy. He had brown hair and grey eyes.

"And this is Livia, my best friend!" She said and pointed towards a little girl, probably the same height as me. Welma and her mate looked like they were around 20 and Livia and Caleb looked about 17. Why is everyone older than me here? Is there no one my age living in this pack house?

The girl with stars in her eyesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें