~Introductions~ <3

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~Introductions~ <3

"Mommy, who's this?"
Riku snickered, turning to Kyoya with a raised eyebrow, "Who's Mommy?"
Kyoya returned the stare, ignoring the latter question, and turning to answer the former question.
"He's the transfer student, Riku. I kindly asked him to join the host club and he accepted," Kyoya explained, using to his index finger to push up his glasses.
"Sure...kindly," Riku agreed in a sarcastic manner, snorting and rolling his eyes to the Ootori. He plopped his feet quite rudely onto the expensive table.
"He's another new member?" Haruhi asked, arranging tea cups at the same time. "He's a student here?"
Everyone looks at Riku's outfit... casual commoner's clothes.
"Don't be fooled by my personality and style, I'm really a rich and high gentlemen. And what's a girl doing here?" Riku asked, blinking twice before narrowing his eyes, confusion and suspicion etched into his expression. He points at Haruhi, lightly catching all the attention.
Riku looked up, seeing another blond and two twins, frozenly shocked at his question. He stares at them in interest before mumbling something under his breath.
"Oh, sorry. My eyes should be checked," Riku corrected himself, rubbing his eyes with a tired expression. "So, introductions? I'll like to know names."
"We're the Hitachiin twins! We display mischievous acts and forbidden brother love!" The twins set up there aura, a banner of their last name and background roses showing up out of nowhere.
"I'm Hikaru."
"And I'm Kaoru."
Riku reads the banner and listens thoroughly to their introduction of brotherly love.
"Homo-incest people," Riku noted with a nod, earning a sweatdrop from both twins.
"I'm Haruhi, the intelligent commoner, as they put it."
"Not a girly boy?" Riku asked, turning to Kyoya as if not expecting the answer from Haruhi himself. Kyoya looked up, noticing the question directed towards him.
"You already know me, Riku," Kyoya commented, scribbling down in his notebook, with the authority overflowing aura, "Unless you wish for a personal introduction again."
"I'm good," Riku answered quickly, bringing up a hand to block his blushing face.
"I'm here~ <3 Sorry I'm late, Takashi just woke me up."
Riku removed his hand from his face, looking at the new arrivals. An elementary looking kid given a piggy back ride by a tall dude,
"That's Honey and Mori-sempai," Haruhi explained, "Childishly lovable and the other is the quiet wild type."
"You used my category assignment talent," Riku replied, frowning at the brunette.
Haruhi laughed at Riku, unsure even if Riku was serious with disappointment.
"And I am the king! Tamaki-!"
"You don't seem important," Riku interrupted, blunt and to the point, as Tamaki bounces away hitting a wall before slumping against it. He gets up again, shaking with anger, "So, I really don't care for your introduction."
Everyone watched as Tamaki acted as if being stabbed by an imaginary arrow and falling to his death in pain. Both twins grin, giving a peace sign as they hook their arms under his armpits.
"I like him already," One twin started for the other to finish, "Could we keep him?"

Working on updating other stories and this ones the closest to being a chapter. Sorry so short but hope you enjoyed :)
If this story gains more attentions, I'll start making the chapters longer and update sooner ;)

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