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Rose's POV

I was 15 when they left me. My parents, they died in a car accident. I had no one to go to and ever since that day, I've always been independent. It's been almost a year  since they'd died.  I've made some good friends over my years of intermediate. By some I only mean a few. The less the better.

I will be turning 16 in a few months. It's finally 2016, the year I'll make sure everything goes as planned. I trust the least amount of people because I believe the less you trust the less you get stabbed.

I have three best friends. Alex, she's got gorgeous red hair that reaches up to her cute ass, her eyes the colour of the darkest shade in the sky with gold that sparks up whenever she's happy. Sam, she's got luscious lashes which I envy oh so much, pretty brown eyes and slight tanned skin. She's a little chubby but I think she's cute af. And Aidan, he's almost too gay to function. (Ok OK copy right oops) I'm totally kidding, yes he's gay but he functions pretty well. He has short dark brown hair, light brown eyes and he's almost as tall as the Empire State Building. One thing I admire about him most is that he doesn't complain about his flaws.

These people are the people who take my shit. They keep me standing and I know if I'll ever need anything they'll be there holding my ass.
None of us are normal kids, we all have issues in our lives and I guess that's why we've been together for long.

I have long curly black hair. Yes, I do very much feel like Beyoncé when I'd do something with it which I normally don't have time for. I'm totally kidding I have time for so much things but being lazy is where all that time is used. My eyes are almost as dark as my hair, I don't know if I like it or not. I've always wanted lighter eyes. We don't get what we want unless it's fake huh. I'm 5"9. I guess I'm okay with my height and I have olive tanned skin, slightly darker than olive, golden maybe ? Gold af

This will be my third year at college and I honestly have no motivations whatsoever to go on with school. It opens in less than a week and I'm already so done.

Harry's POV

I've never been one of those "good kids" that parents wanted.  I've got in fights, spent tons of time in detention, broken bones, been suspended from school bla bla . I caused so much shit that my dad decided it'd be a terrific idea to send me off to my aunts place which is all the way I don't even know some city called Wellington. What the fuck is a Wellington?

I'm 19 and I cannot wait to leave my fathers house. Ever since mum died he's become even more shallow than one could get. He only cares about himself and won't give a shit what happens to me after I leave. I cannot wait.

I have tattoos which "intimidate" people which gives me bad image. Like I give a shit. Sometimes I enjoy scaring people. It's interesting being the alpha male, you see all types of heroes and pussies. My favourite part is beating them up. It's fun really. I don't try to purposely hurt someone it's just that every fucking body happen to piss me off in one way or another.

I've never been loved and I could understand why. Why would someone love a wrecked asshole like me? No one has ever cared about me other than my mother but she had to fucking leave. Good job mum.

I've never made any real friends. They all are self loathing bastards. My 'friends' come and go out of my life. I've never had anyone close to me and I've never been close to anyone other than my mother. And I won't be letting myself get attached to anyone else, because when they leave, it fucking hurts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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