“I don’t know how much of me I can give you, right now…I’m not the same…I need time,” Hermione defends.

“I can’t wait that long, Hermione,” Draco retorts, his voice raising a bit.

Hermione bites her lower lip, staring toward her feet. “I guess this is goodbye, then,” Hermione whispers, as if she didn’t want to hear the words coming out of her mouth.

“I guess.”

“Goodbye, then,” Hermione sniffles.

Hermione slides into her skirt and shoes, acting as though it‘s not a big deal, which Ginny recognizes Hermione attempting to hide the pain she’s feeling. 

Draco stands up, looking hurt and slightly lost.

Hermione touches Draco’s right cheek, smiling with her mouth, but not her eyes.

Draco leans in and kisses her, for what is most likely the last time, in a tender, but melancholy manner.

“I do love you. I really do,” Hermione says, choking up.

“I know…” Draco whispers, smiling softly.

Hermione gathers the rest of her things, then she exits the apartment.

The last of the memories is of Draco giving a formal apology to Harry, mostly, but including the others in it, adding in the apology that he’s had quite a change of heart.

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