The Vicky Story... Mwhahahahahahahaha (co writen by Lizzy)

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  • مهداة إلى Elizabeth Cerrillo

Once upon a time, God was bored so he decided to make a girl named Vicky who loved chips and Austin Mahone; one day when Vicky was in middle school she heard a song by Cody Simpson and thought, 'like omg! this guy is tot hotty! I must marry dis hot thang!' so Vicky ...unmarried Austin and started stalking- I mean married Cody; much to Austin's joy - I mean sadness -she did marry Cody and out of him on her binder; but then she started loving Austin again only to discover that he was about to get married to her AWSOME, hot, smexy best friend Elizabeth; she was the maid of honor at that wedding and they're friend Rebecca was to marry Jack Frost while their other friend, Thao was the flower girl for both of them and then their friend Weewee- I mean Taylor- got engaged to Cody and they all lived happily ever after... except for Vicky


Lizzy- Hey I wanted to write the end! >:(

Becca- To bad, Ebo I have the laptop

Lizzy-...where did Ebo come from!? You leave Ebo outta this! DX

Becca- that's like leaving Nico or Jay out of things..... you don't leave them out of things unless you want to feel... THE WRATH OF HADES MWHAHAHA

Nico & Jay- I think we'll just stay in the Underworld where it's safe.... *runs screaming to Hades about crazed fangirls*

Lizzy-*fell asleep during commotion with fat panda in arms*

Becca- *runs up behind Kaylie* SHIIRREELLYYY

Kaylie- Guys really it's Summer I'm on vacation

Lizzy-*hits becca with stick*STOP!!! im not sure whats even going on!

Becca- When do you know what's going on have a point...*grabs british pillow and lays down, starts reading all of typing to get on Beccas nerves*

Becca-............ Yep those were the old days

Lizzy-*hits her with pillow*sleep! you know how I get when I don't get enough sleep, this sexy thing doesn't come naturally ;D

Becca- Good night my Sleeping Beauty don't let the French Bite

Lizzy-....too late .__.

Becca- .......................


The Vicky Story... Mwhahahahahahahaha (co writen by Lizzy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن