Believe {A Draco Malfoy One-Shot}

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A/N: I do not own any of the Characters you may recognize from the Harry Potter Books or Movies. JK Rowling owns them. And well, StarkidPotter owns Pigfarts and everything that's written about it. I wish I owned it. I mean, who wouldn't want to own Pigfarts? It's on Mars for goodness sakes! 

I only own Alyce Lovegood and no one else. BTW, she's supposed to be Luna's older twin sis  :D

Anyways, Enjoy :)



“Oh, why hello there Draco.”

Draco sat in front of her, a complete mess. With his hair sticking out in multiple directions and heavy bags under his eyes.

“Alyce,” he said with a smile. Yes, a smile. One of the ones he only reserved for her.

He had come here, to the Room of Requirement for her birthday. As they did practically every year. And like every year, he didn't have a present, mainly because he never knew what she wanted.

The wavy blonde haired girl smiled, blue eyes dancing. She scooted closer to him.

“Draco, I want a rocket.”

Draco gaped, perplexed at the outrageous thing his girlfriend said. “Really Aly? A rocket?”

The girl nodded enthusiastically.

“Why would you want something like that?”

“To go to Pigfarts of course, silly,” Alyce scolded in an ‘as-a-matter-of-fact’ tone, laughing slightly. She laughed in the way that always made him feel like an idiot who didn’t know anything.

The Slytherin snorted despite that fact, raising one of his perfect eyebrows.

“P-Pigfarts?” He asked, laughing. It felt good to laugh. She always could make him laugh.

She looked slightly insulted, before she began to talk. “It’s the best wizarding school in the universe. The headmaster’s Rumbleroar. He’s a lion, you know. A large one at that. He can talk, and he takes you to Pigfarts himself if you’re from earth,” she said in a slight whisper before continuing, “If you’re a particularly good student he’ll even let you ride him! There’s even more, Draco. There’s Professor McGonagills, the flying fish, Slytheris Snake, who has a vendeta with Growlish Rumbleroar.”

“Then how come I haven’t heard of this school before, Aly?” He asked, leaning in even closer. He brushed a few strands of hair from her face, tucking them behind her ear.

“Because it’s on Mars! Why do you think we would need a rocket to get there? Besides, that’s why the students have to wear suites. There really isn’t oxygen up there. But you know, if anything breaks there, like a window or something, you’re practically dead.” She said with a serious face, nodding slowly to prove her point.

“Is that so?” He asked in a mere whisper, caressing her cheek.

“Yes, it is so,” she paused. “Will you help me get there, Draco?”

Draco resisted the urge to laugh at the ludicrousness of it all.

“Of course I will, Alyce. I’ll take you wherever you wish to go, as long as I can be by your side forever,” with that said he kissed her and Alyce smiled.

Once they pulled back Alyce said, with a bright smile on her face, “Then you first have to believe in Pigsfarts!”

Draco just groaned, falling backwards with his girlfriend on top of him.


Time stopped as his eyes landed on her. Laying on the floor. Just...there.

Draco fell to his knees, her limp form before him. Just lying there as if she were asleep. Her features were peaceful, and it almost seemed as if there was a smile on her face. A feature he had seen on her more than once while they had been in school at Hogwarts. In her hands were her wand and the pendant he had given her before all of this had happened. All of this war between Voldemort and Potter. More importantly, she wasn't moving. At all. It didn't seem like she was even breathing.

“Oh Merlin, Alyce,” He moaned out, pulling her to his chest. “Alyce.”

He sobbed quietly, tucking her head under his as he did so, rocking back and forth as his lip trembled and the tears cascaded down his face in torrents.

She was dead and it was his entire fault.

The guilt overtook his whole being and he sobbed harder.

He stopped as he felt something move. He looked down at her, shocked.

No, he shook his head. He was just imagining things.

He went back to holding her tightly, petting her hair like he used to when she had been alive, and when they had been carefree.

“You still owe me that trip to Pigfarts,” Alyce mumbled.

He stared down at her, jerking in surprise. Her eyes were slightly opened and she looked up at him with her signature day dreaming smile decorating her face.

“How could I die when you still owe me that?”

He let out a sob of relief, kissing her passionately. She kissed back, arms wrapping themselves around his neck. She was alive. His Alyce was alive.

“So will you take me Pigfarts?”

A pregnant paused filled the air.

“Yeah, I’ll take you to Pigfarts.”

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