Chapter One

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"You honestly can't be serious, Albus. How could you possibly think that I fancy Lily? She's your sister! Of course I don't fancy her." Scorpius said, huffing at his best friend. Just then Lily skipped up. "Fancy who? Oooh. Does Scorp like someone?" She giggled a second. Al chuckled. "I kind of suspect that he does, but he won't tell me if I'm right or not." Scorpius rolled his eyes at the Potter siblings. They were some of his only real friends. Al was in his house, Slytherin, but Lily Luna was a Gryffindor. She was also two years behind them. Albus and Scorpius were sixth years while Lily was a fourth year. Lily had known that she liked Scorpius from the moment she first met him, mostly because she had always been told that he was forbidden. They were quite close friends though. "You two are complete nutters. If I did fancy someone, don't you think I would have told you? You guys are like the only friends I have whose parents are not some of my father's colleagues." They stopped short of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class where Lily and Al's eldest brothers (biological and adopted) were waiting for them so they could celebrate Gryffindor's win against Ravenclaw, and Lily's impressive nosedive for the snitch. They were going to Hogsmeade to get butterbeer at Three Broomsticks. Teddy was the new professor and James was his helper for a while, while he was waiting for his Auror career to take off. "I thought Madison Parkinson and Adam Zabini were your friends? They always seem to hang around you." Lily said, somewhat of a question. Scorpius scoffed. "I'm always trying to get those two to go away. Adam is a jerk and Madison is a bitch. Why would I want to be friends with them if I'm trying to change my family name from bad to good." Lily hadn't noticed Teddy behind her so he scooped her up and she erupted into a fit of laughter. "THEODORE REMUS LUPIN! PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT BEFORE I TELL MUM THAT YOU'RE NOT TAKING YOUR JOB SERIOUSLY!" She yelled. He put her down gently, also laughing. All of the three others were laughing while covering their ears from Lily's screaming. James was the first to take them off. "Bloody hell, Lil. That was quite some screaming you had there. Did you amplify your voice to do that?" Lily huffed at her brother and walked past him, but not before smacking him upside his head. Scorpius and Albus burst out laughing at that.
When the gang started to walk to Hogsmeade, it had started snowing already. It was only November so they did not anticipate this. They were wearing regular pants and long sleeved shirts with light jackets except for Lily, who had been wearing a skirt and leggings, but with a three-quarter sleeve top. She rubbed her shoulders every few seconds to keep warm. When they were a little bit behind her brothers, he shrugged off his hoodie and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Thanks, Scor." He chuckled slightly,"No problem, flower." She blushed. How did he always manage to make her do that? Even unintentionally!? He looks perfect with little specks of snow in his hair and a little pink on his nose from the cold. She walked a little bit closer to Scorpius and he put his arm around her own. He rubbed up and down a little to help her get warm. Lily on the other hand felt warmer just being in his arms.
When they had caught up to James, Albus and Teddy, Scorpius dropped his arm and Lily immediately felt the missing presence of his arm. Teddy whispered something in Al's ear and Al laughed. "What? What's so funny? Or are you lot just trying to mess with me again?" Lily asked, crossing her arms to show that she was being serious (and a little sassy). Al told it to James who chuckled as well. "What?" Scorp said,"I want to know as well!" James and Teddy shook their heads. "Teacher confidentiality." They said, in unison. Lily rolled her eyes. "And what about Al?" "" Al stuttered, until James finished for him. "Potter boys confidentiality." Lily rolled her eyes, again. She seemed to do that a lot around her brothers, Scorp thought. Then she stopped. Her eyes widened and she grabbed Scorpius' hand. "C'mere, guys!" She ran over to the place where you can see the Shrieking Shack and looked over the fence. "It's the Shrieking Shack, Lils. It's been there for ages. It doesn't change," James stated,"It was probably there when some of the portraits in Headmistress McGonagall's office were students. And to be honest, some of them look pretty old." "No, look! It's collapsing! What if there's someone in there?" Lily said, and that's one of the things, Scorpius realised, that he liked about her. She was always concerned for other's safety. "No one could have gotten in there," Teddy reassured her,"No one that hasn't got the map, anyway." Speaking of, now that you two are no longer students, the map belongs to me and Lily," interjected Albus. "Yeah!" Lily crossed her arms like she was about to throw a tantrum. She looks really adorable like that... Scorpius thought. "Earth to Scor, come in in Scor!" Scorpius snapped out of his daze as his best friend snapped his fingers in his face. James nudged Teddy and said, even though he thought no one was listening he said, "Al was right. He definitely does." "He does what?" Scorpius said, as Lily walked inside. "Fancy Li-ow!" Teddy was cut off by Al smacking him upside his head. "I told you not to tell anyone." Lily raised her eyebrows, then she changed her expression and walked inside Three Broomsticks.
About twenty-minutes later, they were sipping butterbeer and laughing with some more friends. Emmett and Amanda Longbottom were there so they had a long conversation. Victoire Weasley, Teddy's girlfriend was there so she and Teddy talked. And by talked, Scorpius tells himself, I mean snogged for the whole time he was over there. But they were an adorable couple, and as he was so in love with Victoire (but hadn't told her yet) his hair turned from its usual hue of teal to bright pink. But surrounded by Albus and Lily's cousins and some friends, this, as far as Scorpius Malfoy was concerned was where he belonged. Not to the rude, mean, Slytherins. Not to his soiled family name. He belonged to Lily. He didn't realise it until just now, but he actually did love her. Albus was only half right.

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