"I do have a time machine you know...Blue box...bigger on the inside..."

"Yes and yet somehow you are still never where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there." Clara retorted tartly stepping forward and drawing herself up to her full five foot three inches.

Poking the ancient scion of the Time Lords firmly in the chest she pushed a gilt-edged wedding invitation against it for good measure. "So just so we understand each other Doctor from now until my wedding you are earth bound mister!"

"But Clara..."

"No wheedling Doctor and this is not up for negotiation, I talked to Martha remember! You never made it to her wedding and you promised..." She paused and the Doctor swallowed as those damn eyes of hers seemed to swell up to ridiculous proportions. "It would break my heart if you weren't there."

"Alright alright just stop that thing with the eyes I'll stay, on earth, twentieth century, Scouts honour!" The Doctor insisted lifting his left hand in an approximation of the salute.

"You were never a scout." Danny interjected knowingly.

"Of course I was who do you thing gave Baden-Powell the idea in the first place?" The Doctor huffed cramming his hands in his pockets as he glared down at a still too happy Danny Pink.

What was it with human's and their weddings? Didn't Clara realise he had done Martha a favour by accidentally missing hers? After all it wasn't like he and weddings had the best track record. Still at least he wasn't being made to wear a tuxedo this time; weddings when combined with tuxedos were a sure sign the universe was about to come to an end.

Yet as he looked at the grey and cream monstrosity Clara was forcing him into The Doctor almost wished for some sort of disaster just so he could avoid having to wear it. It really wasn't his colour. He was pale and grey enough already. Yet apparently it was bad form to wear black at a wedding and Clara had vetoed his offer to come clad in tartan...something about his knees and fainting aunts.

So here he was over 2000 years old being forced into this ushers uniform. Clara had even supplied him with a list of the jobs he had to do and everything. He had to hand out programs and show people to their seats depending on if they were here for the bride or the groom, no yoyos. The Doctor still wasn't sure where he was supposed to put people who were there for both?

The aisle perhaps? But then how would Clara get up the front...

Perhaps she would pogo bounce over them?

Now that would be a way to make an entrance, forget the wedding march, bouncing in to Jive Bunny would have far more impact.

The Doctor was just picturing Clara in her wedding dress bouncing down the aisle in well an approximation of a wedding dress, no one had been actually allowed to see the real thing some silly human superstition; when the bride in question reappeared mobile in hand.

"Yes he is here actually...Exactly how important...Kate I am getting married in three days...Fine you can borrow him for a few hours but I expect him back in one piece in plenty of time...Here it's for you." Clara huffed thrusting the phone at The Doctor with a look warning bloody vengeance if he dared to deviate from the terms of his parole.

Gingerly accepting the phone The Doctor tried not to look too relieved, but judging by the look of condemnation on Clara's face he failed somewhat spectacularly.


"Doctor thank goodness." Kate's familiar voice could be heard. "We have a situation that we'd like your help with..."


Urrrgh her stomach...That was worse than that roller-coaster her sister Stacie had tricked her onto as a child. Retching Osgood emptied the limited contents of her stomach over the metal grating whilst Missy watched her human pet dispassionately.

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