He bumped my thigh. "Are you planning on sleeping in that thing?" he asked, referring to my school clothes. "Don't get me wrong. I like a girl in uniform, but I like your jammies even more."

My cheeks flushed. "And why would I care what you prefer?"

He looked at me—really looked at me—in a way I'd only dreamed of, and I was pretty sure I would've done just about anything he asked. I had to shove another scoop of ice cream into my mouth to keep from asking Nurse Lomazzo to help me change.

Forcing my eyes back to the TV, I tried to concentrate on the storyline, but my whole brain seemed to have turned to slush. I had no idea why he would want me when he had gorgeous women falling at his feet. I was attractive, but Blondie from that afternoon took good looks to a whole other level.

Maybe I had eaten the ice cream too fast, causing a brain freeze, and I was only imagining that look on him. That was a more probable explanation. But then again, what was wrong with me? Why wouldn't he find me attractive? And he had pushed Blondie away. "Are you gay?" I blurted.

Jett coughed, almost choking on his ice cream. He gave me an incredulous look. "Ah, no, I'm not gay. Do I look like I'm gay?"

Holy hell. I really hadn't thought that through. I couldn't tell him that I had seen him push Blondie away. I shrugged. "No. But you haven't..." Oh, crap. I had no idea how to finish that without sticking my foot in mouth.

"I haven't what?"

"Um... you haven't been on any dates since you've been staying here."

He laughed. "It's only been three days." A sly grin crept over his face. "There's something else, isn't there?"

"No," I said a little too quickly.

"Then why—"

Relief washed over me when the commercial break ended. "Shh." I tapped his arm. "It's back on."

He shook his head but stopped pressing for an answer. I stared at the TV, acting captivated while dreading the next commercial break.

Jett's phone beeped. He pulled it out of his pocket and read the message. When he started typing out a reply, I leaned over to try to read the screen, but he smirked and tilted his phone away.

After putting his cell back in his pocket, Jett groaned and sat up. "I've got to duck out for a bit." He handed me the ice cream. "One of my cousins is coming over to stay with you 'til I get back."

"I don't need a babysitter."

He ignored me. "Her name's Jenna, and I'm sure she'll be a lot nicer company than my brother."

"Didn't you hear me? I said I don't need anyone looking after me. I'm eighteen, for Christ's sake. I can take care of myself."

He climbed off the bed. "Like you did last Friday?"

I raised my eyebrows. "He had a gun!" When he didn't say anything, I added, "And what? I suppose your cousin could've done something to protect me?"

"Yes." He walked over to the door. "I'll be back soon," he said then disappeared around the corner.

"I won't let her in," I called out.

"You won't have to."

As soon as I heard him get to the bottom of the stairs, I flipped the channel to the one that showed the foyer. Jett had opened the door to a beautiful brunette. She stepped in and kissed him on the cheek. They talked for a minute before Jett left, then the girl—presumably Jenna—closed the door.

Paradox (Unearthly Paradox Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now