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Currently, I am sitting in the backseat of King Lukas' black Range Rover. My bags are in the trunk; more than likely having more fun than I am at the moment.

My mother really didn't put up that much of a fight for me to go with Luka. It was sort of like a 'No! Maybe... Okay have her', kind of deal.

And of course my brother wasn't home to try and fight for me. It was a lose-lose situation. 

King Luka and Beta Elias are sitting up front and not saying a word. Beta Elias is looking out the window while King Luka is driving.  Elias is listening to music from his phone and I begin to wonder why I put my headphones in my bag.

I glance at the mirror and meet Lukas' eyes. He quickly looks away and focuses back on the road. He leans forward pressing the radio, effectively turning on, he leaves on a cheesy pop song. I look in  the mirror and he's looking at the road. Is he seriously leaving this stupid song on?

I unbuckle and lean forward in between the two seats and begin to channel surf.

Luka watches with incredulous eyes as I had the nerve to change the channel. His eyebrows are drawn together and he's looking at me in between glances at the road.

"You should really keep your eyes on the road," I say to him with eyebrows raised. He narrows his eyes at me and snaps his head back to the road after a few moments of silence. Finding a satisfactory song, I lean back in my seat and buckle back up.

Luka groans and leans his head against the window.

"Is there an issue sir ?" I ask him sarcastically. He looks at me in the mirror.

"Actually, yes there is. I just so happen to hate this song," he declares while massaging his head. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Suck it up, buttercup," I tell him. His eyes flash black and he gives off a deep growl. He angrily pushes a button on the radio which switches the station.

"Or not..." I mumble while looking out the window. I look over at my sketch pad that sits next to me. I pick it up with my pencil and begin to attempt to sketch.

"Do you ever shut up?" Luka asks angrily.

"Nope," I say while popping the 'p'. I continue to doodle and sing along obnoxiously to the radio. Luka keeps turning up the radio in attempts to drown me out; which always fails miserably.

Drawing started to make me nauseous so I place it back down next to me and continue to sing. An upbeat song began to play so obviously I have to sing to it. It begins to get a little stuffy in here so I roll down my window.

I look over at Luka and see him mumbling along.

"Yeah, that's the spirit Luka!" I yell over the loud music. Immediately he stops singing all together and keeps a straight face. He's gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles are turning white.

Sometime during all this Elias took out his headphones and started singing along with me. Soon the song switches to an older rap song.

"Oh my gosh Luka. Do you remember when this was our favorite song?" Elias shouts at Luka. Luka relaxes at his words and lets out a laugh.

"Yeah I remember all the words too!" Luka says. I haven't seen him this relaxed in a while. I wish I could make him relaxed, but all I do is anger him. Luka smiles and begins to 'rap'.

He sings along and dances along silly like. Elias sings along with him until they both are shouting the lyrics and dancing funnily. I couldn't help the loud laugh that comes from my mouth at the sight. This just seems to encourage them further.

He begins to make faces in context to the song. I laugh at his silliness. It's nice not to see him scowling all the time and finally letting loose around me.

He sings while running his hands through his hair seductively. I laugh at the expression and continue to sing along with him and Elias. 

Soon a very inappropriate song came on. My eyes got huge and I'm pretty sure that my face was the color of the light we have been sitting at forever now. Elias and Luka laugh and start to sing to the blasted song.

After the song had ended I swear that Elias and Luka had turned this station to one of the most dirtiest station there was because soon another  song came on from the mid 2000's. I smile at the old song as Luka laughs at Elias. Elias is doing a silly dance by shaking his broad shoulders and singing along with his eyes squeezed shut.

Elias and Luka scream in unison to the song. I smile again at their silliness. Not knowing the words, I just bob my head and stare at the window. Soon I'm able to hum along the tune of the song.

"Luka!" I shout over the music. He looks at me in the mirror smile vanishing, as if he forgot I sat in the backseat of the car.

"What?" he asks with an eyebrow raised, clearly annoyed of being disrupted by me.

"Well it's around twelve...I was wondering if we could get something to eat?" I ask while twiddling my thumbs. He grumbles something under his breath and pulls into a fast food restaurant drive-thru. He turns down the radio so the lady can hear him.

"What would you like Eli?" he asks. Elias scans the menu, squinting a bit.

"A number three with a Coke," he says while resuming playing a game on his phone. He tells the girl Elias and his order. He looks at me in the mirror and raises his eyebrow.

"The number seven with a root beer, please," I say politely. He rolls his eyes and puts in the order. He finally pays for the order after a few minutes.

He pulls up to the next window and waits. A teenage girl with dyed blonde hair pushes back the window. Her eyes widen at the two men in front of her and she obviously adjusts herself. She pulls her top down further and she fluffs her hair. She snaps her gum and hands Luka his change while showing off her chest. 

Luka glances down, smiles, thanks her and drives to the next window. Elias burst out laughing.

"Why is this so funny, Beta Elias?" I ask angrily. Elias can barely breathe.

"I-I-I can p-practically hear  t-the jealousy coming off of you!" he stumbles out his words.

"Why would I be jealous?" I ask smoothly.

"Mhm. Denial, priceless." Elias says softly. I blush at the statement. Luka hands everyone their food,  taking some of my fries. No one takes my fries. He's got some guts.

Once we get back on the road again we listen to some more songs. Some more inappropriate than others. 

When finally my favorite song comes on. I have been waiting all day to hear this song!

"Turn this up!" I shriek to the boys. Elias reaches and turns the knob to max volume.

I sing out the lyrics while dancing to one of the best songs ever written. I like the beat and intensity of it. The lyrics don't really have anything to do with it.

Elias taps the beat on his lap while Luka just stares straight ahead with black eyes. I think my singing is bothering him. Oh well. This is my favorite song; being told not to sing your favorite song when it comes on the radio is like telling someone not to breathe.

I continue singing the song even though Debbie Downer up front isn't singing or anything. Once the songs over he lets out a deep breath and he slumps a bit. Is my singing really that bad?

Finally after the ten hours of driving we pull into a beautiful mansion. Honestly, they helped make the ride not so bad.

Heyo! Lot's of silly moments in these chapters! I liked seeing Lukas' silly side. Didn't you? I had so much fun writing this chapter and singing these songs in my room. I clocked out on this chapter at 1599 words. That's the most I've ever written! Well I'm off to eat some ice cream :P

Thanks for reading!

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