Welcome to Gravity Falls!

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Stanford's POV

Okay, so our parents decided to ship us off to a tiny town in Oregon called Gravity Falls. They thought it would help me and Stanely bound, also, they wanted us to get some fresh air. We're going to be with our Aunt Mabel, who is a gambler. She reminds me of an older version of Stanely. We went off of our bus with our stuff. " Hello kids! It's really been awhile since I've seen you!" She said in her happy tone. As we walked in, I realized she had transformed her house into a place called The Mystery Shack. We live up in the attic, where me and Stanely share a room together. As we unpacked, Stanely found some mold on the ceiling. " Cool! Mold on the ceiling!" Stanely said as he jumped onto his head. His bed had a blanket with wolfs on it and it was a complete mess over there. As for my side, it was completely organized and my blanket had science stuff on it. 

The next day is when things got weird. We had to work there as well. My brother Stanely was going through his girl crazy stage. A girl read a card he set out for her. " Do you like me? Yes! Definitely! Absolutely!" The girl said. She looked around. Stanely smiled and said," I rigged it! Trick from Aunt Mabel herself!" " Stanely, I know you're going through you're whole, girl crazy stage, but aren't you overdoing it with the 'crazy' part?" I asked him. " No way, bro. I'm going to have summer romances with girls!" He said with confidence. Aunt Mabel walked in with signs. " Okay, one of you four have to hang up these signs," Aunt Mabel said as she came in. There was a girl at the cash register, Wendy, who was totally chill. There was also a guy who was about 22, who acts like a child. He seems pretty cool to me, especially that I have someone to hang out with. " Wendy! Go hang these signs!" Mabel ordered Wendy. " I would but, I just can't reach them," Wendy said as she made a sign of her trying to grab the signs with no attempt. " I'd fire all of you if I could," Mabel said, coming to a conclusion. I rolled my eyes. " Okay, enie menie minie, you," Mabel said, pointing at me. " Ahh what? Aunt Mabel, whenever I'm in those woods, I feel like something is watching me," I said, crossing my arms. " You're being paranoid. There's nothing weird here in Gravity Falls! Now get going!" Mabel said as she put the signs in my arms. I sighed and got going. 

" Why doesn't anyone believe anything I say?" I asked myself as I hung the sign. " I would," a voice said. " W-who's there?" " Do not fear, for one day we shall meet. But isnt there something off about the tree?" the voice continued. I realized that the voice was catching onto something. I gently tapped the tree and realized it was metal. I opened it and saw a few switches. I flipped a switch and saw a piece of the grass opened. I looked at it and saw a brown book with what looked like a yellow six-fingered hand print and in the middle was the number 3. I grabbed it and began to read it. " It's hard to believe that it's been 3 years since I've began studying the weirdness of Gravity Falls Oregon," I said to myself. I looked through the book. It had stuff like, Zombies, Floating Eyeballs, and some weird map type. "My instincts have been right all along. I'm being watched. I must hide this journal so HE cannot find it. To the reader to this journal, remember, be careful about who you trust," I said as I continued to read it. "So trust no one, basically," I said to myself as I closed the journal. " Hey smart guy!" Stanely said as he surprised me. " Stanely, h-how long h-have you been there?" I asked him. " 'Stanely, h-how long h-have you been there?' Loosen up, Stanford," Stanely said. 

We arrived back at the shack. I read through the journal. Aunt Mabel came in. I grabbed the first magazine I saw and hid the journal. " What'cha reading kiddo?" She asked me as she came in. I looked at it and said," Gold bracelets for old women?" I said with question in my voice. " That's a good issue," she said, as she drank her MabelJuice. 

To be continued... 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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