The Unknown

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It was a stormy Autumn evening when it all took place, the night was dead and the only sound you could hear was the crunchy lifeless leaves being swept by the crisp wind onto the cracked pavement.  Moonlight punched through the thick clouds shedding light through into the night. 

Ivy was her name, she was tall with long blonde hair, her eyes coloured a pale gold, filled with curiousity and coldness, her complexion was smooth and pale. She was an ordinary girl until that one night where everything happened. 

She wandered the streets because she liked how peaceful it was, that was until she heard an ear piercing scream. Ivy bolted in the direction where the scream came from, running through the streets as the cold wind lashed through her hair and the bitter cold taking away any warmth she had left. 

She ran then slowly came to a halt, it was a forest, dense and thick with tall, old trees. The trees swayed in the wind, Ivy ignored it all, listening out for anything. She took a look at her surroundings, she stopped. She could hear something, mummering, this was followed by another scream. Ivy ran into the dark forest then saw torches lit with flames all placed in weird positions, as she came closer she realised they were formed into a star shape. She didn't know what she'd gotten her self into. So many thoughts were flying through her head, that was until she looked above her head, all her thoughts vanished.

She didn't know what to do, as Ivy peered up at the lady with long black hair hanging there by her arms, blood trickled down her body. No one else was in sight so Ivy climbed the tree un-tying the lady from the tree, the lady landed with a thump. Ivy hopped over to the lady and muffled a hello. No reply. Ivy touched the ladies body and retracted with shock, the lady was stone cold, the body was nothing but lifeless and limp, the womens face was gaunt and hollow. Ivy stayed calm, what was she going to do? Suddenly the lady grabbed her wrist "helllppp me" she said in a raspy voice, Ivy tried twisting her hand out of the ladies grip but it stayed put. Precipitously the lady leapt up, bones breaking slowly and painfully, her back arched as her spine splintered and cracked, the screams filled the silent night. The lady grew claws and every aspect about her that was human was no longer recognisable, she was now a monster, she snarled at Ivy. Ivy turned and sprinted through the coldness as rain started drizzling from the dark clouds onto her skin.

She knew she wouldn't out run this beast, she didn't know what it was capable of so she took herself down a quiet alleyway and hid around the corner. Ivy heard the beast come to a halt at the entrance of the alleyway it walked down there, every step it took were heavy ones. It all stopped, no sound, nothing at all. She felt something warm on her neck, almost like breathing, she slowly turned around to glare into this beasts eyes. It ripped into her neck tearing into the flesh, she felt the warm blood trickle down her neck until darkness clouded her vision and she fell, leaving the world behind. 

She awoke suddenly, gasping. She tried to feel her neck but she couldn't move. Where was she? Ivy didn't recognise anything. The light dangling from the ceiling swayed and flickered. Who had bought her here?  

"The ritual is almost complete" came a voice out of nowhere 

She gasped, over thinking a million possible explanations for this. 

"There is only one more ingredient we need for it to be compete, the blood of an original, fortunately for you I was just given some, i'm Delmor by the way. I'm here to unleash your inner being that has been hiding inside you and expose your true potential"

"An original what? Who are you?! What's happening to me?" Ivy stammered

"In time you'll figure it all out" He said, his voice as smooth as ice

She heard Delmor pour liquid into a container and stir it, steam rose up with the sound of hissing. 

She tried to turn to look but she was fastened to the seat tight. She looked upwards at the celing, it was old and cracked. She panicked, she could make out shadows of people in the darkness. Delmor came over to her and bent in under the light, she closed her eyes not wanting to look. 

"This may hurt a bit" he chuckled as she heard the sound of a sword come out of its scabbard. 

He sliced her skin over and over again, her screams filled the room as the excruciating pain wouldn't stop. It was minutes until her skin was lacerated. 

She couldn't feel anything anymore, she knew she was leaving this world and not coming back. Delmor poured the mixture all into her cuts, it burnt like acid, the steam rose then and filled into her mouth suffocating her. It went into her eyes burning them until they could no longer open. Every inch of her hurt so much she couldn't feel anything but the coldness consuming her. Her lungs took their last breath and her heart took it's last beat. She slipped into a world with no pain, no worries and darkness. Ivy was dead.

She burst out of the chair, ripping though whatever was holding her in place, her skin no longer lacerated but it was smooth and healed. She inhaled feeling the oxygen runs through her veins. She was sure she'd died. She had. It wasn't a dream. Ivy felt more alive than ever. Stronger, wiser and newer.

Delmor rushed in, he skidded to a halt infront of Ivy. "Well this is no good" he said slowly "The full moon will be at it's highest peak very soon" 

Ivy raced over to Delmor and grabbed his throat, she held him up against the marble pillar choking him "What have you done! Why do I feel different? What is all this!" She screamed to him.

Delmor looked at her, she saw  fear in his eyes.

"Full moo-" He choked out of his mouth. Ivy's bones started to throb, her arm broke, she screeched letting go of Delmor. Her leg broke and one bone after another they were all breaking. She arched her spine splintering it as her tranformation took place.

She stood, not as Ivy but as a monster.

She knew what she was, there was one word screaming in the back of her mind.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2013 ⏰

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