Chapter 32: Bachelor Party

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So he went to check on him and see his wife slapping his son quite hard on the face shouting at him. Andre was so mad that he grab his wife's hand and slap her very hard on the face that she had his handprint on her face. Once he was able to speak he told his wife to pack her bags and get out of the house before he calls the police for abusing his one year old son.

She looked at him with resentment and told him that they were her kids so she had the right to scold them. He felt like slapping her again but hold himself back and told her again to leave the house immediately. Her parting words before she left was that she was going to take custody for both the kids since she is the mother and she had more rights to them then him. He told her that he will see her in court for the divorce and for the children's custody.

After she left, he did everything he could to make sure that he is going to be able to get full custody of his children. As he is sure she will never take care of his kids properly and is afraid she will hit them again.

Andre confess to me that when he ask his five year old daughter Sofia if her mother ever hit her before. Sofia looked scared and Andre had to assure her that nothing will happen to her and that he will protect her. She nods her head to his question and Andre felt like such a bad father for not noticing it. I had to assure him that it was not his fault and that he was to busy with work to put food on the table and roof over their heads to realize it.

He told how relieved he was that he has security camera everywhere and was able to videotape of her abusing the kids. He said his heart crushed when he saw how his ex-wife treated their kids. He didn't know a mother could think to abuse their own children that they gave birth to. He saved all the video to be evidence that she is not fit to have custody over the kids.

He said the custody battle took a while but at the end to judge gave him full custody of both Sofia and Dominic. While also putting a restraining order on his ex-wife so that she is not allowed to be within 1 km of the kids. He was so relieved when he heard that that he collapse on the chair in relief. His ex-wife made a commotion at the court and had to be escorted out of the court.

He told me how painful it was to have the person you love so much betray and hurt you like that. He wasn't hurt that bad with her cheating but the fact that she hit and abuse his kids without him ever knowing about it, made is heart hurt so bad with guilt and regret. From then on he always ask about what happens to them every night and whether they are ok or not.

I shook my head and I thought I got it bad when Sapphire left me that is nothing compared to what my friend went through and I wasn't there to support him in anyway I can. Now I feel guilty for neglecting him but he assured me that it's okay since when he was fighting for custody for his kids, my ex-wife just passed away from being tortured.

But I still can't help but think that I could have supported him. "I wasn't able to be there for you either when you found out the truth behind why she divorce you. I mean at least I know my ex-wife does not love me anymore but you, Sapphire still loves you so much that she sacrifice herself to protect your son. I can't imagine the pain you went through when the doctor told you about her death," he said to stop me from feeling guilty about not being able to help him. I look at him and nod my head in agreement as Sapphire did sacrifice her own life to make sure that our son does not get harm by that man.

We stop talking when we hear the doorbell ringing indicating that the other guest has arrive. So the rest of the night is spent with talking and laughing. Watching my friends getting drunk like teenagers. I just shook my head at them and made sure I collect all their car keys just incase they suddenly decided to drive home. The only ones that is not drunk by midnight is me and Andre.

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