Ch. 1

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Tsunayoshi Sawada, A.K.A Vongola Decimo in-training. 14 Years old, study at Namimori Middle (Nami-chuu), class 2-A, in Japan. Meanwhile, Vongola Nono who is at Italy in Vongola Mansion, reading the report from Reborn about his Grandson, Tsunayoshi.

"This is Reborn, reporting about Tsuna. Tsuna here at Nami-Chuu is known as 'Dame-Tsuna' because he is No-Good at anything. Everyday he is being bullied by his classmate. That's all.
Best regards, Reborn."

When Nono read about 'Being Bullied Everyday' he was very mad. Because they dare to insult his cute Tsuna, and they still don't know about his Grandson being Vongola Decimo in-training. That's why Nono reply to Reborn's letter.

"Reborn, thank you for the report. And about Tsuna being bullied by his classmates.. Why don't we make a little revenge plan? We could let them stay at the Vongola Mansion in Italy so we could do the revenge because they bullied our cute innocent Tsuna. What do you think, Reborn? If you agree then just procces to the plan.
Best regards, Vongola Nono."

-Japan, Namimori.

As Reborn read the letter from Nono, Reborn just smirk and agreed to it. After that Reborn disguise as 'Reboyama-sensei' and go to class 2-A, Tsuna's class.

Appearantly Tsuna is at the class, trying not to sleep. Well, as you all know, Yamamoto Takeshi, Tsuna's rain guardian is already asleep with his books covering himself while Gokudera Hayato his Storm Guardian sleep wide open. Chrome Dokuro just trying to concetrate at the class. Well, this is Nezu Dehachiro or who ever it is class.

Soon, Reborn or Reboyama-sensei come in suprising the young Decimo and the dumb teacher. "R-Reboyama-sensei..!! W-What a-are you d-doing here?" Nezu..-sensei. Yeah right, he's not a teacher. Anyway, Nezu say, stuttering. He was suprised or was he frighten? I think he is afraid. Yes, he is.

"Ciaossu~! I'm here to inform you that class 2-A will have a class trip to Italy sponsored by the Vongola Company! You just have to bring spare clothes. And don't worry, your parents are all already agreed. You all will live there almost 2 months." Reborn say, making Yamamoto laugh like always, not only laugh but also grinning, well it's the same thing, so who care? Gokudera.. I could see a tail and a pair of puppy's ear. And also, his eyes are sparkling then mutter 'When he knows the real Jyuudaime they will respect him!' And something like that, probably. While Tsuna almost fainted. He was panicking. Cause you know.. 'What?! Vongola Company?! You mean Vongola Famiglia!! HIEEE!!! Reborn planning to make the whole class to know the mafia!!!' And something like that.

But then, Tsuna suddenly felt another Sky Flames outside. So he raise his hand and ask "Is there someone else, Rebor- yama-sensei?" He almost say Reborn. Well, who knows what happen if he say that.

"Yes, there is my former student here. His name is Dino Cavallone (or Chiavarone). He will help your studies on Italian basics. Good luck! Ciao~ Ciao~" And with that Reborn left and Dino open the door with a wide smile. But then, he tripped by his own leg making Gokudera mutter 'Stupid Bucking Horse.' Yamamoto laugh again. While Tsuna 'He still useless without his subordinates!' thinks that. Ouch that's hurt. I mean, a lot..!!

Looks like Dino already recover and he spotted our cute Tuna-fish i mean Tsuna. "Otouto!!" Dino say in happyness but then he tripped again, making everyone jaw dropped and also some of them sweatdrop.

"A-Anyway, i will be teaching all of you basics of Italians. This book, you all have to learn all of it. I'll give you around 10 minutes to learn page one until two." Dino say as he pull out a book then told some of the students to help him distribut the books. I think he's gathering his cool, again.

°•Ten Minutes Later•°

"First, Sawada Tsunayoshi!" Dino called out. The other students whispering 'He's going to fail!' Or 'Haha! He's so unlucky!!' And much more. While Gokudera say 'Good luck, Jyuudaime!' There is also a pair of puppy's ear and a tail. Yamamoto just laugh.

"Hai." Tsuna say in his cool voice. *fangirls!!! :v* Well, the others just shocked of the tone.

"E 'bello rivederti, fratellino Tsuna!" Dino smile. [It's good to see you again, little brother Tsuna!]

"E 'davvero, Dino-san." Tsuna smile softly. He say the Italian very fluently. Which shock everyone except a certain Baseball-Freak or Grinning-Freak and also the bomber puppy. [It really is, Dino-san.]

"Come sei stato, Tsuna?" Dino ask, wondering how is his otouto doing for the past year. [How have you been, Tsuna?]

"E 'stato difficile, Dino-san. Odio il fatto io sono Vongola Decimo.." Tsuna say, sighing. The other students ear perked up when they heard 'Vongola Decimo'. [It's been hard, Dino-san. I really hate the fact i'm Vongola Decimo.]

"Ahaha, ti abituerai presto!" Dino laugh. Everyone else was very confuse on what are they talking about. They are curious. [Ahaha, you'll get use to it soon!]

"Dino-san, penso che abbiamo parlato tanto .. sentiamo dopo!" Tsuna say, laughing awkwardly. [Dino-san, i think we spoke to much.. Talk to you later!]

"Good job, Tsuna. Next, Yamamoto Takeshi!" Dino nod. Yamamoto grin wider. Then he walk to Dino while Tsuna just smiling and go back to seat.

"E 'bello rivederti, Yamamoto!" Dino greet Yamamoto. [It's nice to see you again, Yamamoto!]

"Sì, Dino!" Yamamoto smile. He then shake hands with Dino. [Yeah, Dino!]

"Stai proteggendo Tsuna come se fosse la propria vita?" Dino ask, he was expecting good responds of course. [Are you protecting Tsuna like it's your own life?]

"Scommetti!" Yamamoto grin wider. Dino was very happy to hear those words. [You bet!]

"Okay, next Gokudera Hayato." Dino call. Yamamoto go back to his seat. Gokudera 'Tch'-ed but then walk to the Bucking Bronco.

"Gokudera-sama will be fine! He is from Italy after all!!" One of Gokudera's fan girls say.

"E 'bello rivederti, Gokudera." Dino smile at Gokudera who was walking to him.


Yeay! The edited form of Prolouge been sent to be the Chapter 1! Well, i dunno. I forgot. Next chapter probably about Tsuna and the others at the airport and got into the Mansion!! Ciao~ Ciao~ Arrivederci~

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