Prince Charming

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Prompt: Kym is back on Dancing with the Stars with her partner Tony Romo and receives a surprise from a special someone on Disney night.

Kym waited nervously in the red room, pacing around as she thought of all the bad things that could happen tonight. Her partner Tony hadn't had the easiest week when it came to the waltz, which is what they were dancing for Disney night.

She listened to Tom announce Sharna and her partner from the stage right outside the red room. Before she went back to her pacing, she heard him say something else.

"But before they perform, can we get the lovely miss Kym Johnson to come out to the stage for a moment?"

Kym blushed as she looked around nervously and painted a smile onto her face, making her way out to the main stage where Tom was waiting for her.

"Hello, my dear," he said to her.

"Hello, Tom!" Kym exclaimed, a wide smile spread across her face.

"How are you doing tonight?" He asked brightly.

"I'm wonderful, thank you." She replied sweetly.

"And I presume you've transformed into Cinderella tonight, yes?" He asked, looking down at her gorgeous blue dress.

"I have, yes, and Tony is Prince Charming for the night." She smiled back.

"Now, your real life Prince Charming is in the audience tonight, is he not?" Tom asked.

Kym looked into the front row of the audience that had a reserved spot for Robert, but didn't see him in the crowd. "Yes, he was here a second ago. I don't know where he's gone but-"

It was this moment, when Kym turned back to face Tom, that she realized that everyone whom was in the red room moments ago had now entered on the stage and stood behind her. She caught a glimpse of Val, smiling brightly and nodding in her direction. Something he did when he knew something he shouldn't.

She turned her head to look across the dance floor, and that's when she spotted Robert, looking wonderful in only a white shirt and pants, descending the stairs of the second stage.

He made his way to the dance floor and waved at her to come down. Tom took her hand and guided her down the stairs, letting her go when they reached the bottom. She glanced back at him once more, catching a glimpse of everyone on stage watching her, then made her way over to Robert who was in the center of the dance floor.

He immediately put his arms around her and she reciprocated, then kissed her cheek and proceeded to say, as he always did, "Hi, baby."

"What are you doing out here?" She asked intently, smiling at him.

"Well..." He took both of her hands in his, as he so often did, but this felt different. She looked straight into his dazzling blue eyes and watched them lower as he knelt down in front of her.

She let a sound out of her mouth, a mix between a gasp and laughter, and her eyes started filling with tears as he smiled his beautiful smile up at her.

"Well Kymmie, I need to ask you something very important. We both knew this is what we want, and I finally found the perfect moment to make it final. Kym, I'd love to spend the rest of my life with you, so would you like to spend the rest of yours with me and marry me?"

Robert pulled out a small box from his pocket and opened it, revealing what had to be the most beautiful ring she'd ever laid her eyes on.

She held her left hand out to him and nodded, choking out the word yes as he slipped the ring onto her finger. She pulled him to his feet and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck with his around her waist. The crowd went from deafeningly silent to an eruption of cheers.

"That was on live television." She said as the tears fell down her cheeks and onto his shoulder.

"Crazy right? The whole World Wide Web saw it." He said excitedly, and she could feel his smile against her cheek. She let out a small laugh before breaking their hug and looking right into his eyes.

"I love you so much." She said with a bright smile.

"And I love you so much more." He closed the gap between their lips. In that moment, they were the only ones in the entire world, lost in the moment.

When they finally broke apart, they noticed the couples that were on the stage just moments ago were coming towards them, genuine smiles painted on each of their faces.

If there was a better moment to be in, she couldn't think of it. As she gazed into his eyes, she saw only him and nobody else. At last, she had found her Prince Charming.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2015 ⏰

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