CHAPTER FIVE: Original one shot: Paul & Katie SKYPEchat

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A/N This original one chapter story was first posted in November 2015. It was scribbled in response to @remkalo's request for a Paul x Katie one shot of the Skype chat scene. This one chapter is being expanded into chapters 1 to 4.

This original chapter will remain because original fans did not like the idea of it being deleted. Thank you to everyone who has read the story and felt a connection to the characters. AS x

"What did you expect when a serial killer breaks into your bedroom," growled Paul whose physical presence loomed large over petite, sixteen year old Katie.

Katie's naked and blushing body writhed and thrashed against the steel grip of the muscular hand that pinned her arms above her head and pressed her back against the cold floor to ceiling windows. Paul's sculptured body crushed against her front except for the smoky soft lush beard that brushed her face, the dark curly chest hair on her naked breasts and pubic hair that pressed against her toned abdomen. The thought that she was in over her head suddenly crossed Katie's mind.

Being in the arms of Paul Spector wasn't the school girl seduction her friends often talked of. They had come up with a nickname for Paul, Mr. Python. There was a lengthy bulge in the dark sweat suits he jogged in and his long feet suggested he was hung like a python...her bedroom steamed up when she got together with her friends and fantasised about Paul.

One night when they were alone, curiosity had driven Katie to take a keepsake from him. A strand of freshly shampooed rich brunette hair. It was not Paul's wife, Sally Ann Spector's fair hair. Paul had forcibly wrestled the strand of hair from Katie's grasp leaving her wrist bruised. His deep blue eyes had been ocean cold, sending chills up and down her spine, as they were now. She saw through his cool exterior to the wounded snarling, wild animal inside. Katie was reaching out to the hurting part of him.

Her arms in Paul's vice like grip, Katie nuzzled into the muscles rippling against her body and felt him breathe in her scent. She yearned for Paul's full lips that she had once bitten and tasted warm, crimson metallic blood. Paul was thrillingly enough to ignite a sexual fever even when he was being a cold blooded killer.

She was in the safety of her colourful bedroom. Paul's body held Katie captive. She was unable to move. Coincidentally bedrooms were Paul's preferred killing fields. In the dead of night, when nothing stirred, he broke into the homes of women he stalked. With the grace and silence of a python, climbed on top of them then took pleasure squeezing the life out or their struggling bodies. He felt a lifetime of memories in every struggle and finally their eyes glaze over as they let out a final breath.

Paul prolonged and dragged out that final moment for as long as he could. Once in bed with a female victim, Paul determined who lived and who died.

Katie didn't care what the cops said, Paul may be dangerous but he sexually aroused her. She had touched herself between her legs fantasising about how he would f*ck her.

"I don't care if the cops think you strangled those women in their beds," she replied breathlessly. Turning towards the door, she hoped the two of them didn't rouse her thirty four year old mother with their late night rendezvous. Her mom had the brunette feminine look and was within the thirty year old range of Paul's victims. Paul was making her develop a taste for the voyeurism and the quickening pulse of almost getting caught. Just thinking about the danger she was in, made Katie wet between her legs.

Katie's blasé reply didn't surprise Paul. Unlike most women who ran away from a bloodied serial killer, Katie challenged him, tried to seduce him by singing or suggestive dancing. She had worn his plaid shirt whilst naked underneath. Katie's scent turned him on. He had resisted her feminine wiles but tonight was different. Katie had proven herself by breaking into his house just as he broke into Sarah Kay's house. Katie pulled back the covers and let him watch her masturbate. She was unabashedly brazen showing off her nakedness and talking him through every step of the break in and mirror image selfie. As Paul relieved the experience vicariously through Katie's verbal account, he couldn't help letting his muscular hand grab hold of his massive erection that he tugged slowly savouring every word of her descriptive break in. The thrill and fear of getting caught as she snuck in and took a selfie just as he had done.

The Fall, One Shot (R18 Jamie Dornan as Paul Spector) #GifPorn #Hybristophiliaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें