- Maybe, I mean, maybe I could go find a sexy nurse uniform and we could match...

I almost spat out my drink at the image of Jamie in a sexy nurse costume.

I think I'll pass on that one. Seriously though, I'll have to get changed?

- Nu-uh. Now is the time I confess I'm actually a fashionista, and therefor perfectly capable of raiding your closet and getting your clothes for you.. Unless there's something in the closet I shouldn't see? ;)

I smirked as I typed out a response.

Oh, there is. It's me. I'm in the closet. I'm gay. Relationship over.

- Nawww babe don't be like that, just let me have this one?


- Fabulous! I'll see you at 5, love you x

Love you too, sugartits x

- See? It's a great term!

Uh huh, oh and Jamie?

- Yes?

I didn't miss you calling me sexy.

- I speak nothing but the truth... ;)

I blushed a little at that, closing my phone as I got up to finish my shift.

Two hours later my shift was over, and as I signed out of my shift in admin, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whirled around to see Jamie, dressed in a navy, short-sleeved dress shirt and black jeans, grinning at me. Wordlessly, he handed me a black bag that I assumed to be full of clothes.

"Go change, I'll meet you in the car." And before I could respond, he turned on his heels and was out the sliding door again in seconds. Damn him an his long legs.

Not wanting to keep him waiting, I made my way to the change room for nurses (Yes, nurses have their change room. We're nurses. Stuff happens.) And opened the bag. Inside I pulled out some black flats, my blue jeans, and a semi-dressy tan singlet I had forgotten I'd owned. He must have dug deep into my drawers. Lastly, a silver necklace Jamie had bought me a little while back, and a hairbrush. How thoughtful, I thought as I pulled my jeans on and slipped the top over my head, shuffling the flats on and securing the necklace around my neck. I went to move the bag to the sink to brush my hair where a mirror was, when I saw there was one final thing at the bottom of the bag. I pulled the folded piece of paper out, to reveal Jamie's familiar scrawl.

"Do you actually own any lingerie? I couldn't find any, looked everywhere x"

I felt myself blush furiously, my reflection only confirming how pink my cheeks had become in seconds. I shook it off, grabbing my hairbrush and pulling it through my hair, face still burning.

As I walked out of the change room , I called Jamie.

His familiar voice filled my ears immediately. "Hey, I'm in the car park,"

I stepped outside the hospital, feeling the still-warm breeze on my shoulders. "Uh-huh, which one?"

There was a pause. "Um...the one with the trees?"

My hospital has four car parks, all of which contained trees.

I laughed. "Wow. I knew you were special Jamie, but I'm pretty sure even you can't manage being in four places at once?"

"You should try doing a movie, then you'll know how it feels," he sassed back.

"Alright, alright, what else can you see?"

Learning To Love - Jamie Campbell BowerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя