“Okay, Styles, guess you won’t be hearing from my lawyer this time.” Liam replied, and Harry laughed, before their form tutor entered the room. The young woman, who taught languages at the school yelled at all of the boys’ to quieten down, but of course, when she walked into the classroom in a pencil skirt and a low cut blouse, the boys tended to shut up anyway.

The four boys sat in the class, as they registered, before their form tutor ran through the school notices. Nothing new, as normal. Form only lasted for ten minutes, so when the bell went off the four boys got up to go to their lessons. Andy and Louis had media, Liam had English and Harry had law class.

“I’m so glad I’m not stuck with you idiots for the next two hours.” Liam mumbled, hitting Andy behind the head as they all walked out of their form room together. Andy frowned and shoved Liam over, before pulling Louis over to him in support.

“Yeah, me too. So, read anything new recently?” Harry asked with a caring smile, as he shoved his arm affectionately around the back of Liam’s neck. Liam chuckled at his friend’s actions, as they all walked through the corridors of the sixth form. The walls were covered in pieces of artwork that was created by the art students, or by displays of both stunning portraits and juvenile photos that were taken by the photography students.

Liam was about to tell Harry all about his newest book, and the ridiculing that he had gotten for it by Andy and Lou, but he was cut off.

“Liam! Liam!” A young voice shouted, and Liam rolled his eyes. He kept walking, pretending not to notice it, but his three friends had obviously heard the calls for his name, and had turned around in curiosity.

“Liam, wait!” The voice came again, before Harry’s hand slipped into Liam’s blazer collar so that he could stop him from walking.

“Li, your brother wants you!” Harry smiled, and Liam forced a smile, before he turned around and saw how his younger brother was rushing towards them. Andy and Louis also stopped and beamed a smile. Liam’s friends always found his brother adorable and lovable, but he was more annoying than anyone else that Liam had ever met in his life.

His bright blue eyes suddenly lit up when the small boy had seen that Liam had stopped walking and was waiting for him, his little podgy cheeks red from obviously running around the sixth form looking for him. His small hands were hooked around his cringingly high backpack, and his once smart uniform was now all scuffed up from his running.

“Niall, what do you,” Liam started, before his fourteen-year-old brother collided into him in a breath taking away, tackle like hug. Liam let out a sound to express his new lack of wind, which caused the other boys to laugh at his expense. Liam peeled the young boy away from him. He and his younger brother had a four-year age gap between them, which was quite a lot in comparison to his friend’s age gaps with their own siblings.

“Liam! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Niall spoke, looking up at his older brother with eyes full of wonder. To a passer by, the two wouldn’t look like siblings at all. Niall’s head of bright blonde hair and blue eyes wasn’t like his brother’s brown hair and deep brown eyes, but they were brothers, through and through.

“This better be urgent, Niall, lower years shouldn’t come into the sixth form unless they have a lesson.” Liam told him, a little sternly. He had told Niall time and time again, but Niall never got the lesson.

“But I needed you, Li Li.” Niall told him, looking up at Liam with a big smile.

“Aww crap, Louis come on, we’re going to be late.” Andy mumbled, before he ruffled up Niall’s hair, causing a giggle to fall from the boy’s lips, before he and Louis left for their lesson.

“Bye bye, Andy, bye bye, Louis!” Niall suddenly called out, before the fourteen year old waved at them as they went, and Louis waved back before they both slipped off to Media. 

“Niall, stop waving, you look stupid.” Liam told him, before pulling his brother’s arm back to his side as he turned Niall to face him.

“What did you want?” Liam asked, knowing that time was ticking on and he didn’t want to be late for his lesson, and Niall didn’t need to be late for his own lesson, either. Harry stood next to his friend and his kid brother with a smile, not minding if he missed some of his lesson. Liam was like a Dad to his brother, and it was funny to watch.

“I got lost, Li Li, and I don’t know where to go, the big stairs are confusing!” Niall spoke, before he pulled off his backpack and sank to the floor. His small hands started to urgently tug at the zip of his backpack. Liam looked around in embarrassment before looking back at his brother.

“Niall, get up off the floor, where’s your timetable?” Liam bickered, and Harry couldn’t help but laugh as his friend ironically lowered to the floor.

“I told you, I lost it, and now I’m lost and I don’t know where to go. Can’t I come to lessons with you, Li Li?” Niall asked, with an innocent smile. Liam rolled his eyes and pulled Niall’s backpack over to him.

“No, you know you can’t just come to my lessons with me.” Liam huffed, as he raided through his brother’s messy bag. There were empty food wrappers, some with food inside, and stray pieces of paper and worksheets at the bottom. Liam frowned in confusion when he found a Rubik’s cube at the bottom of the bag.

“Li Li, I’m lost, please help me find the science room!” Niall moaned, as he tugged at his brother’s sleeves as Liam went through his bag. Liam let out a sigh as he looked up at his little brother.

“Science room? You have science next?” He asked, before he zipped up his brother’s bag.

“Yeah! I remember now…Wednesday, lesson four, biology with Mr Cartman from 1:30pm to 2:30pm.” Niall smiled widely, swaying a little in pride of remembering.

“Oh, you would remember what you have once I find an old, half eaten sandwich at the bottom of your bag. You’ve been here for one and a half years, Niall, you should know your lessons and rooms off by heart by now.” Liam sighed, before standing back up with the backpack, pulling his brother up with him. 

“Aww bless, he can’t help if he forgets these things, Li.” Harry chuckled, before he leaned over and ruffled up the young boy’s blonde hair. Niall was like a small kitten, and seemed to lean into the touch of Harry’s large hand, which only made Harry chuckle.

“Yes, but he forgets them and makes us both late for lessons…” Liam stopped talking when he saw the bright blue piece of paper sticking out of Niall’s pocket.

“Niall, you’re timetable is here! Mum always puts it in your top pocket so this doesn’t happen!” Liam groaned, before he pulled it from his brother’s pocket and hit the small piece of card against his brother’s nose. Niall’s face scrunched together and he let out a slight yelp.

“But Li Li, I need help I can’t find the room!” Niall whined once more, before he stomped on the spot. Harry chuckled and looked at Liam with a warm smile.

“Just help the poor guy, Li! I’ll drop in on your class and tell them where you are, don’t worry. They’ll understand.” Harry spoke with a warm smile, while his right hand that had been ruffling up Niall’s hair subconsciously shaped it into a mohawk. Liam looked at Harry with an expression that showed how his patience was being tested; Harry simply smiled.

“Come on, hurry up!” Liam grumbled, before holding Niall’s bag in one hand as he walked away. Niall beamed a smile at Harry as he looked up in his direction before he ran after his brother. Harry watched as the young boy slipped his hand into Liam’s as they walked away, and even though Liam tried to shake out of his grasp, he sighed and dragged him towards the science blocks.

Drawn Out Dreams. [A Zarry Fanfiction.]Where stories live. Discover now