Dark. It's very dark. And I can't feel anything except for this feeling of weightlessness. Where am I? What's going on?

"... Lady! My lady! Can you hear me?!" A frantic voice called out into the cold darkness. What's this? There's a blinding ray of light cutting through the darkness. Curious, I reached for it, and when I tried to grab it, it ran away from me. I reached for it again and this time I caught it. I could feel the darkness slowly creeping away, and my heavy eyelids start to open.

"Calm down doctor. She will be alright, for she is one of us now." It was still to bright to see anything. I could only make out the outlines of the objects in front of me, but the outlines were too blurry for me to make out what they were.

"Wrong my boy. She is not one of us, but something much stronger and, less human than we are."

"What do you mean less human than we are, sir Abyzou."

"Why my boy, I shall just say this, she will not know the meaning of mercy. We should leave and let our lady rest," the man said with a chuckle. "For if she doesn't she will die in but a mere second." After I heard this man say that I wished not to have my heavy eyes close but I had no choice in the matter and I was once again trapped in the dark, cold weightless suspension that was my mind.

"Hello." A powerfully cold female voice said. I wereld around and saw her. She had long white hair, a crude fur dress and shocking blue eyes that held no emotion. But how? I'm unconscious. "You look confused," the woman said with a sneer. "Allow me to explain. I am you. Well the new you, the better you."

"Wait, what? How are you me? That's impossible, I'm the only me." What is this freak talking about? She's insane.

"You are me and I am you. We are Hantu Kopek, the demon."

"A demon wha-" I started to say when she interrupted me.

"No. Thee demon. Hantu Kopek, Daughter of Mictian, the God of death. You have been chosen as a candidate for the demon king's daughter. To be princess of the netherworld. All because you were to hungry and killed the strongest guard of the king's best army. And from what I could take from it, the act was flawless. I also heard that you did it with no weapon, is that true?"

"Yes." I said shortly. "So why are you in my head exactly?"

"They cut you open and put me inside of you in a matter of speaking. I am here to keep you from killing anyone you shouldn't."

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