Ballet and Traffic

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I smiled and looked to the heavens as a bright white flash of lightening streaked the gloomy grey sky, illuminating everything in its path. I sighed, "I am so getting the flu after this." and with that a tiny rain drop fluttered down to my nose, which was soon followed by millions of others. I huddled my jacket closer to my body as I made a dash across the empty street and onto the safety of my front stoop.

"MOM, I'm home!" I yelled into the house from near the front door, I took off my coat and hung it up and my shoes were off next.

"I’m in the kitchen!" I heard my mother yell back to me. I stood up straight and walked across the dark room towards the kitchen where I could smell the beginnings of dinner being prepared.

"Whatever you're cooking smells mouthwatering, mom." she looked over to me and smiled then turned back and proceeded to cut up the large green cucumber for the salad she would serve at dinner. I went over to the fridge and pulled out the orange juice and got a glass for myself and sat down at the deep mahogany table in the middle of the kitchen.

"Honey, why are you soaking wet? I thought your father was picking you up after your ballet practice?" she asked me while still chopping up the cucumber.

"Well he was supposed to pick me up at six-thirty and then he called fifteen minutes late to tell me that he would be another thirty minutes late because of traffic, I really did not feel like waiting that long so I started to walk home and then the thunder storm came out of know where." I explained to her, even though this happened quite often with my father. He was always late picking me up from dance during the weekdays. It was really starting to bug me too.

"I am sorry dear, I called him an hour before he needed to get you to remind him. I would have come and got you myself but I was already cooking dinner, and I know that he hasn't been home often this past month but things are hectic at his work with their new case. This one is very important and your father really needs to focus right now, but don’t worry it will be over soon and he’ll spend some time with you.” She explained to me.

"I know mom, I understand." You see my dad is a very important lawyer, well he's a criminal prosecution lawyer, so he gets paid A LOT to work A LOT so he really is never home much. However, lately it’s been more than ever and it’s all due to this huge crime boss Gustavo Ramirez that was busted two months ago for murder, drug trafficking, as well as human trafficking. My dad is trying his hardest to keep the man in jail, and I really hope that he succeeds. He has never lost a case yet, let’s hope that he doesn't start now.

It’s still disappointing though, I mean I am already 18 and am going to be off to college after this summer, I would have liked to spend some time with him before I leave but I am proud of him for keeping these types of people off of our streets. I got up and walked to my bedroom, flipping on the light switch. I looked around the familiar purple walls and white furniture garnished with all of my ballet trophy’s, and walked to my dresser to pull out a pair of white sweats Victoria’s Secret sweats and a matching tank. As I shed my skin of the still wet clothes boom of thunder shook me from the inside out, and I smiled. Ever since my mother told me that thunder storms were only the gods bowling and the lightning was when they got a strike I have loved storms. It was weird, I know but it just made me happy to think of the immortal gods bowling up in the heavens just like we do down here on earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2011 ⏰

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