Chapter 2 new trouble

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I woke up took a shower, brushed my hair and teeth and headed back to my room to pick out an outfit.

Maid 1: time for breakfast

Then I had realized it was my first day of high school. I couldn't believe it so I picked out something really special. When I got down stairs I ate my breakfast as fast as I could I really didn't want to be late.

I remember dad saying something about you get to ride the corvet stingray to school. So when I got to garage I got in the car with my books and schedule and locker code and number. I drove to school and I couldn't believe it. I was really in high school. Of course Anna was already there

Anna: I hope you make some friends

Elsa: me too

Anna: have a good day

Elsa: you too

When I reach my locker I hear a scream. When I turn around it was a girl. With an edgy style and blonde hair.

Astrid: omg you're the new kid Elsa Aren

Elsa: hi what's your name

Astrid: it's astrid. I know you don't know me and stuff but can we be friends

Elsa: sure

Astrid: let me see your schedule

Elsa: ok

Astrid: we have all the same classes

Elsa: wow.

Astrid: we better hurry up to science class
As we headed to science class all the eyes were on us. Then a slightly older woman came in the door

Mrs. Miller : hello class I am your teacher Mrs. Miller. Today we will be learning about the human body. Open your text books to page 1

Elsa: I love science don't you

Astrid: yes we are like the same person

When the bell rang me and astrid headed to our lockers which is right by each other. Then all of a sudden 4 people walked passed us they looked like they were really popular. We went to our next classes and got the homework.

Astrid: hey can I sleep over so we can study together

Elsa: sure. Hey who were those guys.

Astrid: oh them that's the big four. The guy with the white hair is Jack Frost his girlfriend the one with the short brown hair is Rapunzel the one with the red curly hair is Merida the one on the far right is hiccup

Elsa: why do all the girls scream when they see them

Astrid: I don't know that is just the way they are

When it was time to go home astrid got in the car with me and we drove home. We finished our homework and we went down stairs and watched tv. It felt like astrid was apart of the family.

Maid 2: time for dinner
we finished and went back to my room.

Elsa: so tomorrow is the same day

Astrid: we should get some sleep now

Elsa: ok
We went to sleep

Hey thanks for reading this chapter here's a sneak peak

Elsa becomes campus queen
Anna has a sleep over
Elsa meets new friends
Elsa meets a very interesting person named jake
Thanks for reading
✌🏾️ peace

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