"Dinner's ready, by the way." I said. "Enchilada casserole is sitting on your dinning room table."

"Jess, what are you doing here? You can't be here."

I explained to him everything that had happened, what the judge had said to me at the court house. I couldn't hide the excitement in my voice as I spoke to him. When I was finished, I waited for him to smile and wrap me into a hug but he didn't. He stood in front of me with the same blank look on his face.

"Harry, this means we can be together. The police can't do anything unless someone comes forward with proof. No one can do that. You and I are the only ones who could show evidence and obviously we wouldn't do that."

Now the expression on his face seemed pained, forced. What was going on with him on the inside? It was like he was torn.

"We can't do this, Jess, not right now."

"Harry. . ."

It felt like I just got stabbed with a sword right through my already damaged heart and stomach. This was supposed to work. The information I found out from the judge was supposed to solve my problem. I thought this would make Harry and I be able to be together. My heart was crushing into smaller and smaller pieces by the second.

"Please don't be upset, Jess."

I just stared at him incredulously. How could I not be upset? He was the one I loved and I couldn't be with him. It seemed like he didn't want me anymore. I had thought he would do anything to be able to call me his.

"I love you." He whispered.

If he didn't want to be with me, then why was he still telling me he loved me? It made things a million times harder to deal with.

"I love you, too." I whispered back, trying my best to hold back my tears.

"Thank you for the dinner." He trailed his hand down the side of my arm.

The way Harry acted was true to his character. He didn't call me crazy, even though I done a crazy thing. He never said anything rude or mean, even though he had the right to. He didn't even yell at me or act angry towards me for being at his house unexpected.

It had been days since I'd seen him and his touch felt like I was finally able to breath after being under water for too long. I didn't want to leave but walked with him to his front door without him having to ask. He gave me a forced smile before I left.

The drive home was filled with the sounds of my sobs. This hurt even more than the last time. Besides from being absolutely heartbroken, I now felt like an idiot. I'd made a fool of myself, being at his house only for him to reject me and send me on my way. I never wanted to show my face in his office again. It'd be too embarrassing to face him and Cara. I was sure Cara had heard what had went down, and she was probably laughing at me.

I hadn't even got to hug him and all I wanted was to be wrapped in his arms. I longed for his mouth to be moving on mine, for our bodies to be so in sync with each other's that we couldn't differentiate between the two of us. His touch lingered on my skin, but in the long run, it had only made me crave him more.

When I got home, my dad's truck was in the drive way. I wiped my face off, sitting in my car for a few minutes trying to make it look like I wasn't crying. I walked inside and found him sitting at the kitchen table. I muttered a hello to him and headed upstairs to my room. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him, or anything, right now. I wanted to crawl into my bed and try to sleep away some of my pain.

Harry obviously didn't want to be with me anymore and I would have to accept that, no matter how hard it would be. I couldn't wallow in my pain forever and let it control my life. It didn't help anything, maybe even made it worse, but I pulled Harry's hoodie on and fell onto my bed. Just one more night of sleeping in it wouldn't do me anymore damage, I decided.

Harry's words played over and over again in my head, and his blank expression. The way he said he loved me made me believe him but if he loved me why didn't he want to be with me? I understood that his career was important to him but I had debunked the problems with the cops catching him. I was getting a headache from all my overthinking.

I had been sleeping for a few hours when my phone ringing woke me up. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone but it kept ringing and ringing. Sitting up and stretching, I reached over to my night stand to grab my phone. I gasped as I saw Harry's name on the screen.

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