Chapter 1: The meeting

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This is the first time I'm writing a story hope you will like it /(≧ x ≦)\
Enjoy (:

*RIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGG* My alarm clock shrieked at 8am sharp. I got off my bed groggily, my mind, like a broken tape, replaying fragments of what seemed to happen the night before.... We were at the lake... I cried... We hugged.... We kissed... Wait we kissed?! My heart skipped a beat as I tried to replay that particular scene in my mind. A million questions flashed through my mind, what are we now? Who am I to him? How am I going to face him now?

My mind flashed back to the first time I met him.......

Freshman year just started and it was the first day of school. I stared out the window hoping some magical force will sweep me off my feet and bring me back to my bed, but I know that would never happen. Suddenly the chair pulled beside me and a person sat beside me. I let out a deep sigh, I am really not in the right state of mind to socialise and say hi to my unwanted neighbour.

"Hi, I'm Mervyn, Mervyn Leonard, nice to meet you" he said in a cheery voice.

Urgh.... Just leave me alone will you? I thought to myself. "Mmm, I'm Felly, Felly Lionell Johnston", as I turned my head lazily to look at my desk partner for the day. He has a tanned complexion, thick eyebrows, thick lips with a high arching nose and deep brown eyes. Not an eye-candy material though. "Felly... That's a nice name" he commented. "Thanks, your's pretty unique too"

Little did I know that this desk partner of mine is going to be my best friend for life.

I smiled to myself as I recall the little things that bonded us together and brought us to where we are today. The kissing scene flashed past my mind again....

"Oh boy, it's going to be an awkward day today" I thought to myself as I walked into my walk-in wardrobe to pick out my outfit for the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2015 ⏰

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