Chapter 6: The Arrival

Start from the beginning

"Where are they now?" Qan-Zel enquired. "Unfortunately they had mysteriously vanished 30 years ago by forces from out of this world." I answered and he nodded his head. "Would you be willing to come aboard our vessel and explain it to their relatives?" Qan-Zel asked me. "Relatives?" I asked him surprisingly. "Kara Zor-El's parents are aboard our vessel" he answered.

"I would be willing." I answered him. He nodded and we both boarded the ship. The interior was very advanced and so were the computers, all of which were composed of Kryptonian Sunstone. The ship's ramp came up and the ship ascended up into the sky, passing through Earth's atmosphere and heading towards the large vessel in the sky. Like the small craft, the vessel was composed of Kryptonian Sunstone which reflected off the light emitted by the sun. The small craft entered a hangar bay where it landed and we exited the ship. Outside the ship waiting for us was Kara's parents, Alura In-Ze and Zor-El. I recognized them because at some point during the last few weeks, I visited the Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic and saw a holographic projector showing a representation of both.

The other guy was wearing all black, had long black hair that looked like Legolas' from The Lord of the Rings. He was caucasian and about 6ft 7 and was pretty muscular for a Kryptonian.

"Alura In-Ze and Zor-El I presume. I am Hybrid. I know you were expecting your daughter, but it pains me to bring you distressing news." I said to the two politely. "Please come, we'll discuss it over dinner." Alura said and I followed both to their quarters. The ship was almost like a city in space, a New Krypton as it were. We headed for their quarters in the upper district where the greatest of Kryptonians lived. The doors slid open and we entered a well furnished suite with a window view of the moon.

We were there for a few hours until dinner was ready and we sat down to eat and gave them the unfortunate news. "Great Rao! Is there any sign of her?" Alura said as her motherly instinct to worry kicked in. "Unfortunately no Alura. 30 years ago, they all just up and vanished in an event that left the world defenseless. She wasn't the only Kryptonian on Earth either." I replied, "Your nephew survived Krypton's destruction as well and he too is missing" I added. "Kal-El? How can this be?" Zor-El asked.

"Your brother sent him in a rocket before the planet went up and he has lived on Earth since he was a baby." I answered him while biting into a slice of bread. "He and Kara were members of a group of heroes who defended the galaxy from threats, known as the Justice League. I began creating a new league after they disappeared and I plan on not just defending the galaxy, but also seek out the other members of the league." I added.

"I hope you do Hybrid, we've been worried about her for so long." Alura said to me. "I understand Alura and it is your right to worry because she is your child. Perhaps we can determine what caused the disappearance at Kal's fortress on Earth." I answered, "Maybe we can find something there". "Interesting notion, however we also must tell Vor-Zel about her disappearance" Zor-El said as he sipped from his cup.

"Vor-Zel?" I asked, "Kara's betrothed, a Kryptonian Mass Builder. The man who was there when the craft landed." Zor-El replied. "He's a bodybuilder?" I asked. "..And a military general. He's not going to like this at all. He's used to getting his way." Alura said.

"Well I must warn you that if he tries anything on Earth, my league and I will be forced to put a stop to him." I answered with a serious tone, "We are prepared to defend ourselves if necessary". "Our people do not wish to fight, if anything we would like to become a peaceful relation with Earth, however Vor-Zel may prove to be a problem for both peoples." Alura said to me.

"Qan-Zel is his father am I correct?" I asked them. "And the representative for our whole race." Zor-El replied. "He wishes to meet with Earth's leaders and discuss a treaty between our two governments." Alura said. "When will this take place?" I asked. "He wishes to meet with them tomorrow morning." Zor-El replied.

"Well I will be glad to relay the message to the world once I get back." I said to them with assurance. "That would be most appreciated" Alura said. Within several hours, I headed back to Earth aboard the same craft and explained to Qan-Zel that I would relay the message to the delegates of the world, to which he was very grateful.

True to my word, I arrived at the White House alone while the others kept their posts and watched the ship. Obama met up with me with several members of the Secret Service backing him up. "Hybrid, I am glad to see you once more." The president said as we shook hands. "Likewise Mr. President." I answered. "I heard from sources you were aboard the vessel orbiting the moon." Obama asked me to confirm his sources. "I was and it was because I was invited by their representative who wishes to have peaceful relations with the peoples of the Earth." I said. "Is that so and when does he plan that?" The president asked.

"Tomorrow morning at the U.N. Summit Meeting." I replied. "Well we would be delighted to have him there." Obama replied. "There is another matter though, his son, Vor-Zel is the betrothed of Supergirl and I suspect he may wish to do something rash which could compromise the relations between the remnants of Krypton's inhabitance and the peoples of Earth." I said, "We will however be monitoring that ship for any signs that they may be wishing to take Earth".

"Very good." Obama said to me and we shook hands before I left. With that, I ordered other members of the league to watch the ship and further prepare with devices to take down their forces non-lethally.

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