Gems in Vedic Jyotish

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Gems and Astrology

Astrology and gems are associated from times immemorial. Astrologers often recommend gems and associate them to planets. While the association is clear in so many classics, the wearing of gems for particular planet is not mentioned in classics.

Associations are clear in Phaldeepika and Jatakparijat:

"Manikayam Tarne Sudharya mamalam Muktaphalam Sheetgo,
Maheyasya cha Vidrumam Markatam Saumyasya Garutmatsm,
Devedyasya cha PushparagamSuramatyasya Vajram Shane,
Neerlam NirmalManyayochashya Gadite GomedjhVaiduryake" (
Grahbehdadhyay, Sloka 29,Phaldeepika)

Vrihadjataka, Vrhat Samhita, Yukti Kalpataru, Rajvallabha, Shushrut Samhita , Garud Purana refers to use of gems in certain conditions and they associate gems to powerful magical properties.

"Dharnat tachh papalaxmi Vinashnam" (Rajvallabha)
"Pavitra Dharnayach Paya Laxmimalapaha" (Shushrut Shanita)
"Te te Yathapurvamatiprashasta Saubhagyasampatividhandayaka" (Yukti Kalpataru)

Please note that 'Gems' refers to 'Ratna' and every stone is not gemstone. Classics define "Ratna" according to following basis:

1. Gems taken out or mined on inauspicious Muhurta have ill affects despite of being good in luster and appearance.

In "Ratnajati" chapter of Manimala, Sloka six reads

"Stones originating on inauspicious days and at unlucky moments are not only void of any beneficial quality but are positively harmful"(Ratnajati Adhyaya, Sloka 6, Manimala)

(Most of gems do not fulfill this criteria. This is because as a Gemologist and gem buyer, I have come across several gemstones and they are mined at commercial level and not on the basis of some auspicious Muhurta )..

Same thing is mentioned in Chapter 68 of Garudpuranam. (Please forgive me I have a translated version of Garudpuranam and Sloka numbers are not mentioned)

2. Gems should be free of inclusions, spots, internal cracks and should carry proper color. (90% of the gems sold by astrologers do not fit this description). In "Ratnaparikshadhyay" of Vraht Shanita, it is clearly mentioned:

"Ratnen Shubhen Shubham Bhavati Nripanaamanishthamshubhen,
Yasmadatah Parikshayam Devam Ratnashritam Tajagye"

Good, clean and gems of top quality bring good luck to emperors and those which are of bad quality bring bad luck. Hence an astrologer should first check the gem for quality and only then he should provide it to others. Gems are carriers of fate.

3. Gems are worn after certain propitiation and rituals like removal of negative influences through proper mantras.

Point 3 is my own view. I believe that only 'Ratnas' defined in classics should carry "Swapranavastha" (Self invoked state) and rest of the gemstones are just stones. To energize them one needs proper mantras to invoke their powers which are positioned in dormant condition. This is the same as Idols of Deities need to be "Pranpratishtith" before they are worshipped. But Shalagrams and Dakshinavarti Shankas have their own powers and they are never invoked through Mantras.

4. A gem which is powerful and fulfills above criteria gets devoid of its power when the inheritor is an impure person. Please refer to the epic related to Syamantak mani.

Prasena was the brother of Satrajita. Once Satrajita took up his abode in the seacoast for the purpose of spending his time in worshipping Sun. After he prayed long and intently, Surya dev appeared before him. On being accosted, the divine Sun took out the gem Syamantaka from his neck and laid it out. Sun gave this Priceless jewel to Satrajita. It is said that on wearing the gem he appeared refulgent like Sun and entered Dwarka. Satrajita later transferred it to his brother Prasena. When own by a clean man Syamantak produced gold, but to an unclean person it indubitably proved fatal. Prasena decked this gem and rode hunting into the forest. He killed innocent animals on account of which the gem altered his destiny. His impure heart bought his untimely fatal death when a lion slew both the horse and the horseman.

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