Chapter 2

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It's now lunchtime and I haven't seen Ashton smile much all day, I was about to start eating my lunch when I saw Michael, Calum and Ashton walking towards me. They all started talking about science class and their horrible teacher but since I didn't have that lesson with them I wasn't paying much attention. "Lukey" I heard being called and I turned my head to see Cleo my girlfriend, before I could say anything her lips were on mine and I could see from the corner of my eye the disgusted looks on the faces of the boys.

We started to talk about our horrible science teacher, Mrs Kent we all hated her but suddenly we saw Cleo and Luke kissing. Me, Michael and Ash didn't like Cleo because she was basically the school slut and we all had a feeling she was going to cheat on Luke soon enough. We all were disgusted that they were kissing in front of us but as I looked over to Ashton a look of hurt was across his face, he told me and Michael a while ago that he had a crush on Luke but we promised we wouldn't say anything. I gave Michael a sympathetic smile when I realised he was looking at Ashton too, suddenly we heard a sniffle and realised Ashton was crying.

Ashton looked hurt and me and Calum could both tell he was, Ashton was begging to cry and just as I was about to speak to him he ran out of the lunch hall. I quickly saw Luke and Cleo break from the kiss just as Calum got up to go and find Ash.

I tried to not cry but when I saw them kiss I just broke, I had to get away before anyone seen me. I ran and ran until I reached the toilets, I locked myself into a cubicle and began to cry into my hands. I heard the door open and heard a voice that I really needed to right now "Ash, are you ok? Please come out" it was Calum. I quickly unlocked the door to see Calum standing in front of me with his arms stretched out, I ran to him and cried into his shoulder. Calum just stood there and held me while I cried.

I found Ashton and he just started to cry into my shoulder, I didn't like seeing him upset and just wish that Luke would realise what he was doing to him. "Shhh it'll be ok" I cooed but I knew that Ashton wouldn't believe him. Ashton looked up too me with red and swollen eyes and he simply said "I love him Cal" and I knew he loved him but I just wished that he would realise that he wasn't worth this much hurt but he loved him and we had to help him.

Cleo pulled away and told me she would call me later and with that she walked away. When I looked up I realised now it was only Michael sitting there, "Where's Cal and Ash?" I asked. "Bathroom" Michael said slightly pissed off. Did I do something I mean why was he annoyed at me, I just wanted to ask him but I knew I was probably just over reacting.

Luke pulled away and had a massive grin on his face but I just wish he knew what this was doing to Ashton. Luke asked where Calum and Ashton was and I told him but I wanted to just scream at him and tell him how much of a dick he was but I knew I couldn't. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM" I screamed at Luke but immediately knew I shouldn't have, I mean he didn't know that Ashton liked him and I couldn't tell him otherwise Ashton would hate me. "What do you mean Mikey?" Luke asked confused. I just shrugged and Luke sighed but just dropped the conversation. I felt the chair next to me dip and realised Ashton and Calum were back, I looked over at Ashton and realised he had been crying his eyes were all red and puffy and I just wanted to give him the biggest hug ever but I knew I would embarrass him so I jut left it.

Michael was annoyed at me for some reason but I didn't know why, I didn't want to argue so I just left him alone. Ashton and Calum came back and Ash looked like he had been crying, I really wanted him to talk to me if he's upset because I hate seeing him like this. " Ash have you been crying?" I questioned I knew he wouldn't tell me but I thought it was worth a shot.

We walked back to the table and everyone's eyes were on me when I sat down. "Ash have you been crying?" Luke asked and just as I was about to answer Calum saved the day like always.

Luke had asked Ashton if he has been crying and I knew that Ash didn't real,h want to talk about it so I quickly answered for him "No, I poked his eye and it started watering. I didn't mean too but yeah it's now all red and looks like he's been crying" I chuckled and Ashton mumbled a barely audible "yeah" as well as a chuckle. I looked over at Luke and his face looked slightly concerned but I think he bought it. I suddenly felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I opened it and realised it was from Ashton.
From- Ash
Thanks for covering for me cal.

To- Ash
No problem bud :)

I quickly sent a reply and slipped my phone back into my pocket.

Calum told me what happened and I was still worried about Ashton, in case he was hurt. Just as I was about to ask the bell rang signalling the end of lunch. I quickly got up and headed to next lesson with Michael and Calum but as I looked around Ashton was no where to be seen.

Authors note
This is the second chapter and I'm really sorry if your finding this book boring or rubbish. This is my first book I've wrote and I'm trying my best but I'm sorry if you think it's rubbish.

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