chapter 3

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Jack's POV

Suzie and I watched that stuck-up, cocky, little bastard fly away with his evil dad to do evil things. She stared after the chariot with wide eyes. I rolled mine. Spooky chariot. Who cares? He was hitting on you. Who cares? He unlocked his evil powers and is gonna go use them. Who ca- Me. I care. I care about that. That's a huge problem. I have to tell the guardians. But first..

"What's your name?" I asked Suzie with a bored expression on my face. She looked at me.

"Suzie." No shit.

"Full name."

"Suzannah." Seriously? My face turned annoyed. Smartass little girl.

"Full name including first, middle, last, what it means, the translation of what it means in Greek, Italian, and German, and written in hieroglyphics." She stared at me for a second. She then proceeded to flip me off and turn away. I chuckled. Alright, I deserved that.

"Hey, " I said, flying in front of her and blocking her path, "that's not very nice."

"Then stop smiling," she retorted. Why can't she just tell me her last name? I grabbed her hand. She flinched.

"You are so cold!" She yelled. I snorted.

"No shit. Who am I?" She gave me a lopsided smile. Wtf?

"You're the incredibly sexy Jack Frost," she said and winked. My heart faltered. Woah, what? Why did I react? She doesn't mean anything to me...

"Yes, I am incredibly sexy," I responded. Hmmm, she means something to Death-boi... "I'm also....very available..." I watched her blush. Perfect.

"Well, we may have to change that." I watched her get closer and closer...her face tilting to try to match her lips to mine...and I watched my hand raise up to restrain her. What am I doing?

"Tell me your last name first." What the hell am I saying? She's not bad looking, not shy, not a bitch, why am I stopping her...? Why do I care what her last name is? Am I gay or something?

"My last name is Sobel. Suzanah Sobel," she said. Mmmm...pretty. Now back to ten seconds ago...

I smiled and my hand went from restraining to entrapping. Her answering smile was brilliant. My one hand wrapped around her torso and the other stroked her hair. Her hands buried themselves in my snow white waves. We smiled at each other one last time before our lips touched.

Her lips molded to mine instantly. They moved in sync as we held each other closer. I moved my hands a little lower, and chuckled as she let out a little squeal. She moved her arms under mine and pulled mine up and away from her lower half. I playfully growled. She backed away. I noticed she looked dazed and confused. Good sign.

"Okay, I really shouldn't have responded that way.." She trailed off, watching my reaction. I was confuzzled.

"What?" I asked. What the hell was she talking about? She grimaced.

"I barely know you. I'm not sure if I like you or not. That was really stupid." Ok, I actually understood that. I grinned and nodded.

"So, Suzie stranger, let's get to know each other."

We spent the rest of the day chatting, walking, flying, and just getting to know each other. She was really nice, and I no longer thought of getting her to like me as revenge on Death-boi. I wanted her to like me. Then, she'd be mine. And nobody could take her away from me. I now knew why I wanted to know her last name. I wanted to know everything about her. She was simply the most interesting person I had ever known. And that included Jamie who was excited after he lost a tooth. Seriously, who, besides Tooth, get that excited about a little piece of bone getting knocked out of their head after being hit by a...oh let's see...a freaking COUCH?!? Kids....

"So, do you wanna see my house?" Suzie asked. I smiled. Man, I normally smirk. What's going on? I've smiled and laughed more with her in one day than in a whole week at the Pole! Oh well, it felt good to do it.

"Sure." I took her hand and pulled her off the ground. She pointed out her house. Ughhh, she lives way to close to Death-boi! Grrrr. We landed after I treated her to a few twists and loops. She skipped inside and motioned for me to follow. I did, and I saw the cutest little boy look up at me.

"Meet my little brother, Nick."

"Hey Nick," I was grinning ear to ear. As far as kids go...this kid was absolutely adorable. If Sophie was still as young as him-cutest match. He had adorable big blue eyes sparkling with curiousity. He dark brown hair shifted with the light breeze blowing through their windows. I watched him shiver as the cold air generated by me hit him. Oops...

"You're cold!" he exclaimed, and I saw he was smiling, despite the temperature. "That's so cool...hey...what's your name?"

"Frost. Jack Frost," I said, summoning my inner James Bond. His jaw dropped, and his eyes got even bigger.

"OHMIGOSH!!! You're Jack Frost? That's awesome! MY SISTER'S BOYFRIEND IS JACK FROST!!!!!" I jumped at his outburst. He couldn't be more than nine...wait...boyfriend?

"NICK!!!!! HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!!!" Suzie was blushing. And I mean blushing like sombody painted her face with ketchup. It was quite adorable. I chuckled.

"Not yet kiddo," I said, ruffling his hair and sending Suzue a wink. Her face had been recovering, but that comment took care of that. Back to the tomato-paint. She grabbed my hand and led me upstairs. Oh yay! I had really wanted to see her room. It tells a lot about a person's personality. She drug me in and slammed the door. She turned around with a glare on her face.

"Not yet kiddo," she mocked. I narrowed my eyes.

"You don't want to mock me,'" I growled, "you may just wake up as an ice statue."

"Oooohhhhh. So Jack Frost thinks it's cool to freeze kids and abandon his Guardian duties," she smirked, knowing she had a valid point. I froze.

"Guardian....duties...." CRAP! I have to get the the Pole now!!

"Jack? Hello, Jack? Are you in there?" Suzie was looking at me strangely. I grimaced as I realized I had to go.

"Suzie...I gotta go warn the other Guardians about Pitch..." I said, not enjoying the disappointed look on her face. "I'll come back...when I can." She nodded understandingly.

" have to save the world now I guess," she looked...broken somehow.

"Yup," I smiled weakly, "Don't worry, I'll come back in one piece."

"That's not what I'm worried about. i know you can take care of yourself...I just want to know WHEN you're comeing back." I walked over to her. I gave her a little hug and lowered myself to her height.

"I will try my best. How does next week sound?" I sincerely hoped this would be all over by then. "I may have to train or guard something or something like that. If that's the case...I'll...write you a letter!" The idea dawned on me suddenly. Duhhh. Now she won't feel abandoned. I gave her another hug. "Next Thursday."

"That's a school day..." She gave me a weird look. I smirked.

"Not on my watch," I said, "and if I can't make it...I'll still make it snow. If it doesn't...well...I probably got captured...but don't worry. The rest of the Guardians will be with me too."

"JACK!" A voice yelled from the doorway. "What are you planning with my sister Thursday?!" Nick had just stormed into the room. I stood there stunned.

"Uhhhh...." I had nothing for this situation. Nick frowned.

"I have to approve first!" Now I had to keep a poker face. This kid really was adorable. Suzie blushed and tried to push Nick out of the room. I stopped her and bent down next to Nick.

"I will protect your sister if anything goes wrong, and I won't hurt her. Do you approve?" I asked, grinning. His little face scrunched up for a moment in deep thought. He finally smiled and nodded. I shook his hand.

"Thank you, kind sir." I stood up and faced Suzie. She looked torn between embarassment and laughter. I moved to give her one last reassuring hug, but Nick cleared his throat. I chuckled, shaking my head. I flew out the window. I glanced back and caught a glimpse of Nick point two fingers toward his eyes and then turn and point them at Suzie. The 'I'm watching you symbol.' I laughed to myself and flew faster.

Jet; Son of Darkness (Jack Frost/ROTG)Where stories live. Discover now