Chapter 1- Jane

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Slowly, I walked up the stairs into the school. People brushed past me, not noticing my existence until they ran into me. I hated coming here every single day just to be treated the exact same way. I pulled my iPod out of my pocket and played my favorite song. Hurricane by 30 Seconds To Mars. I tapped my fingers to the beat and I payed no attention to where I was going. If no one was going to look at me, then I wont look at them. I stared down at my converse when I suddenly saw the sky. I winced as I landed on my butt. I panicked and looked up at the person I ran into. I recognized him, but I couldn't place his name. I was caught in his ice blue eyes, and as I opened my mouth to apologize, someone else's intervened.  

"Look what you did you freak!" I looked to the guys left and saw a girl in a cheer uniform. Obviously she was a cheerleader, and they were required to wear their uniforms every Friday. "You ran into my boyfriend and knocked everything out of his hands!"  

Does she ever stop yelling? 

The guy was kneeling on the ground picking up his stuff, but no part of me actually felt bad. After this weekend I would never see them again.  

"Get lost you cheerwhore, it was an accident." A pair of hands pulled me up. I already knew who was begin me, my two best friends Ian and Nicole. 

"Go away you emo freaks. Learn that none of us want you here." The cheerleader flipped her hair over her shoulder as the group of people turned to leave. Nicole's fingers twitched. She hated popular people for that reason.  

"They act like the rule the whole freaking world!" Nicole mumbled under her breath. Ian chuckled and I just nodded my head. Nicole's face softened. "Are you ok?" She was always protective of me. She would beat the crap out of anyone that hurt me.  

"I'm fine. My butt kind of hurts though." They both busted out laughing making me grin a tiny bit. I loved these two more than anything in the whole world. Nicole and I have been friends since we were in the 3rd grade and Ian and I have been friends since the 7th grade.  

"Do you have any idea who you ran into?" Nicole asked, getting excited. Ian sighed while shaking his head. We both hated when she got like this. She was so boy crazy. 

"He looks familiar, but I can't place his name." I told her while shrugging my shoulders. "Whats so important about him?"  

She gasped. "That's Sam Whitley!"  

That's why I recognized him. He is one of the most popular guys in the school. He has money, he's on the football team, girls fall at his feet, the rumors never stop about him. I had almost every class with him except third and sixth period.  

Nicole was going on and on about how hot he was as we continued walking into the school. Ian and I passed a look between each other sharing the same expression. My eyes pleaded for him to get her to stop. He smiled softly at me.  

"Are you guys going to the All Time Low concert this weekend?" He asked. I froze. That's this weekend? That's really unfair... My attitude got even worse. 

"Yes! I got three tickets! One for all of us!" That defiantly didn't help any. My head hung low and my friends both noticed my extremely gloomy mood. Ian put his hand on my shoulder. 

"Jane, are you ok?" He asked. 

"I really want to go, but I have plans for this weekend," I paused and looked at them. They weren't happy to hear about this. Nicole's giddy smile turned sad. 

"Well, I guess that's ok. Maybe we can all go together some other time." Nicole asked hopefully. She knows when I'm lying, so I couldn't answer her, all I could do was nod my head.  

The first bell rang making us hurry to our classes. Ian waved as he parted ways with Nicole and I. We hurried to our English Class which was on the very last hall. We always tried to be there first so we could beat the crowd and so we could get the back seats. 

When we got in there I was disheartened. Due to the events this morning, we weren't in any luck. There weren't any two open seats next to each other. We looked at each other sadly and walked to the two closest to each other, but it wasn't in talking range. I took a quick glance around the room to see the guy I ran into.  

Sam Whitely.  

I quickly looked at the board when I saw his head turn towards me. I uncomfortably twisted my hair around my finger as I chewed on my lip. I thought about his eyes. I could get caught in them so easily. 

All my classes went by slowly. It felt like the day would never end. I had to keep reminding myself that I only had one more day and then I'm done. Saturday. The day of the concert. I'm glad to know Ian and Nicole won't be here. They will be together, having fun.  

The day was finally over and I walked to my car with Ian. Nicole had to stay after school for some reason. That wasn't entirely surprising, she does that from time to time. I walked with him in complete silence, which was strange for me. Normally I am telling him about my day. 

"Is everything ok?" Ian asked while stepping in front of me. I stopped so I wouldn't run into him. 

"I'm fine, I'm just thinking about a lot of things right now."  

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head and just hugged him. His arms wrapped tightly around me. His warmth radiated. I loved hugging him because he was never cold. "Whatever it is you're so focused on, it'll be ok. You'll get through it." Tears welled up in my eyes. If only he knew. "Nicole and I will stop by Sunday to check on you." 

"Make sure you guys take tons of pictures. And make sure she doesn't attack them." Ian chuckled again. "I love you so much Ian." 

"I love you too Jane. Be safe this weekend." I watched as he walked in the other direction to his car as tears flowed down my cheeks. 

I refuse to regret my decision. I will go through with my plan, even though I'm going to miss both of them so much and I know they are going to miss me as well. But it's better off this way. I can stop being a burden to my mom. People won't miss me here. And Nicole and Ian will be able to move on. They will be ok. This is better for me as well.  


Hey guys! I'm back! This is the unedited version. I will go back and edit it when the story is finished. Vote, comment, fan! 

Love y'all~  


Saving JaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora