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to @Ashton5SOS:

@daddiashtn; omg I can'T BELIEVE YOU FOLLOWED ME
8:30 am

@daddiashtn; I LOVE YOU SO MCUH
8:30 am

@daddiashtn; AJSKFLO
8:31 am

@daddiashtn; you probably won't see this, but I love you so much Ashton. you and the guys have saved my life and I know a lot of girls probably say that to you, but it's true. I was at a very bad place in my life two years ago. things happened and I wasn't in the right mindset. I wanted to end it all, but then the ROWYSO tour dates were tweeted. you guys had a show in Hershey.. I was freaking out, and I started saving my paychecks and bought a ticket. I know I'm rambling so I'm gonna stop. thank you for doing what you love and know that we are here for you guys just as much as you are for us. I love you.
8:34 am

@daddiashtn; school is starting so I have to go now. I hope you have a fantastic day babe c:
8:45 am


"Ireland!" I turn and see Seneca, my best friend. I don't have major self image issues. I know that I am considered pretty, but Sen is drop dead gorgeous. Her long blonde hair, green eyes, and long legs make me feel like a potato next to her.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Everything, Ire. Jason broke up with me, Ashley and her posse of sluts cornered me in the bathroom, and Ashton Irwin followed you and not me on Twitter." she pouted. I love her to death but she is such a drama queen sometimes.

"Sen, just calm down. Jason told me he was going to break up with you, Ashley is just jealous of how hot you are, and you don't even like 5sos. Why do you care?" I roll my eyes and walk away. I can't deal with this debate again. She started to quote on quote like them after SLSP, but she's into the girly pop music. No offense to that, it's just not my cup of tea.

I run back to my locker to grab my Psychology book when I hear my phone go off. Seneca is probably asking me to get a ride home or ask why I walked away. I'll text her after I get home.

My purple Chevy Spark is all the way in the back of the parking lot for the sole reason of it being my baby. I have wanted this car since I was fourteen and three months ago, I could finally afford it. As soon as I get in, I turn the heat on full blast. It is 66° outside and anything lower than 78° is too cold for me. My Don't Panic: It's Longer Now! album immediately starts playing. My car knows me well.

I pull in the driveway and it is empty as usual. My mom is a single parent and a nurse so she is never home, if she is it's to sleep. I'm a single child as well so I'm always by myself. Life gets lonely sometimes but I always have Seneca or my books so I make the most of it.

My phone pings again and the notification is from Twitter. I open the app to see I have two messages.

to @daddiastn;

@Ashton5sos: Aww I love you too. (:
2:52 pm

@Ashton5sos: go follow @socialcastaway ...
3:17 pm

@daddiashtn: okaaay c:
3:19 pm

A minute after I send that, a message pops up.

You cannot message @Ashton5SOS any longer.

ooooo what happened!? lol okay so this chapter was more of just a background on who Ireland is and absolute trash. but who should I cast her as? comment some suggestions. I hope y'all enjoy and I'll talk to you next time c:

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