love struck

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there was a guy who met a female his name is twinkle toes and her name is sugar boo they met through a guy when twinkle toes was fight with the guy and they talked for a few days twinkle toes kissed sugar boo on the lips and they both liked it but the kiss didnt mean a thing to either one of them but in there mind and there hearts it did so twinkle toes text sugar boo and said lets go slow she replyed thats a perfect idea so they contiue to hang out and talk till one day she plants a kiss on him she said i dont think i can hold how i feel about you in any longer but sugar boo knows it the best thing to do so she puts her make up on and she calls twinkle toes over she snaps a few pictures with him and post them on her page and they told each other there love struck and there hearts beat really fast and he reaches out to hold her hand and he reminds her how beatiful she is and says in her ear with a slight whisper i will wait at the tallest mountain for you and give it one month and exactlly twelve days i will be there and if your in trouble scream i will come running to your aid she apprecates him even more she whispers in his ear i will but only one condition promise me you will always be there when i need you then they scream really loud i love you in the loudest tone they have and now it is exactlly one mounth and twelve days he kept his promise and return to his love he told her i love you and i will never let you go my heart goes on forever and eternty with you by my side they live happily ever after till the day she found him unconcious and she called for help she checked his palus he was breathing she was worried abut the one she loves he passed out and he went in for surgy twinkle toes made it through and is now in the process of recorving he comes home and she treats him like a king and gives him the love he needs to heal and sugar boo wasnt alone now that he recover two weeks in the healing process time faster then anyone the dr seen and in no time sugar boo tells twinkle toes that she not feeling good he takes her to the dr and the dr said congrats you gonna be parents sugar boo was excited and twinkle toes passed out he wakes up and he starts to cry he looks over to his beatiful wife and askes is it true we gonna have a baby she tells him yes he was so excited but what twinkle toes forgot was he hit his head and dosnt know about the powers he has gained from the accident sugar boo ex boyfriend try to hurt her and twinkle toes threw a big twankie at him but it was hard he put a solid peice of metle in the twinke that it cut the ex boyfriend he over come the insanity of hurt and dishounsty that sugar boo had a wounderful husband and would die for her twinkle toes dont know his name but sugar boo screamed leave me alone jason and twinkle toes heard her cry so he walks over and comferts her with everything he got left.

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