Chapter one:

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Cheyenne's POV

4 months earlier:

"Chey, are we dating?" He asked nervously.

"Um, Yer I guess we are, I mean... If you want to." I said looking down.

"Do I want t-?! Chey, it's all I've wanted since I met you!" He cried.


"Really?" I asked looking up.

"Yes, I really like you, so Cheyenne Stock, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked loudly making me blush bright red.

"Harrison Dawn, you don't have to wait anymore because yes I will be your girlfriend!" I cried throwing my arms around his neck as he pulled me into a passionate kiss.

Present time:

It has been 2 months today since I last saw Harry, and its been tough. I miss him everyday and I want to see him, but I can't and I except it. My family still don't know about him or running away to America but my friends swear I was at the wedding thanks to Liam's stupid twit-cam you can see me, but not my whole face and it's fuzzy so I think I'm safe. My hair is wavy just like it used to be, but it's a lot shorter. It used to go half way down my back, but now it just reaches my shoulders. I still work for Ellen but I'm not on any front covers and I don't do any two piece bathers and no more lingerie. I've deleted every way of communicating with the boys, I'm still a directioner mentally, but at heart, I'm broken. I don't watch "Gossip!" anymore and I'm much better off without it. I've lost a lot of weight and I'm still self-conscience. My scars are slowly fading and so is the gap in my heart from missing Harry.

Two weeks after coming home Billy asked me out but I said no because I still missed someone and he didn't ask any questions, and he has been helping me through it the entire time. Three weeks ago he asked me out again and I still loved Harry but I knew he had moved on and I really liked Billy so I said yes. He says I can tell him anything, but doesn't push me or constantly ask me questions about who the guy I missed was and he always looks and plays with my necklace with the ring, but doesn't ask me to take it off. I'm so glad I have him. I don't know what I'd do without him.

Hey babe, do you want to come to my place today??

Yer, I'd love too. I'll be there in an hour. Bye!!

Bye Beautiful;)

He does winkie faces just like Harry and he calls me what Harry did, but he isn't Harry and he never will be.

I got up out of bed and climbed into my en suite. I ran the shower and let the hot water swallow me in peace. I washed my hair and body and shaved my legs before stepping out into the cold morning air. I wrapped myself in my towel and went to my chest of draws. I pulled out some black skinny jeans, a loose dark peach tank top thing and some underwear. I got dressed and went to my wardrobe. I pulled out some lace up black heels and put on my pink and gold cuff style bracelet. I brushed my hair, teeth and fixed my tired face with some makeup. I skipped downstairs and walked around to find the house empty and no note. Great, now I have to catch a bus. I waited about 20 minutes before it came not to mention all the stops it made. It finally pulled up at the stop right outside Billy's house. I took an unsteady step out and saw him leaning against the metal frame with a cheeky grin and his arms crossed a crossed his chest.

"You're late missy." He said as I came closer to him.

"I'm sorry baby, maybe you can forgive me?" I said as I stood on my toes to be his height. He had grown A LOT when I was in St Kilda.

"And if I was too, how would you make it up to me?" He asked with a cheeky grin.

"Like this." I whispered as I crashed my lips onto his. Sometimes I don't feel twelve, but it's so awkward when people remind you of your "youth."

Trims, Truths, Troubled Times (Curls, Lies, Perfect Times Sequel.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant