Chapter 13.

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I looked at the enormous wall of fire and blackened stone that was before me.

"I know that good fences make good neighbours, but this is ridiculous! And you are telling me that this is the wall I must scale in order to reach my friends and free them from Zurk?" I was amazed, and talking to myself never made things any easier.

I stared at the wall again and noted the various guard posts of demons that made the very powerful force that protected the wall and everything that was in it. The wall had already begun falling in some areas while in others gaping holes that were very tempting to enter. I knew however, that such places of the weakened wall were most heavily guarded and in walking towards them would spell my doom if not bring about my second death! I shivered at the prospect, and I wished that it would never happen to me again.

Within the walls, I could hear screaming coming from very many areas around the wall and I could not bring myself into imagining the horrors and the torments that those people were undergoing. However, mine would have been worse if Zurk would ever get his claws into me, and so I knew I had to move with extreme caution. It was my first time to come into these sides of the underworld since only impure souls were lead here, and it surprised me just as much as it would surprise those who would eventually end up within the walls.

Carefully walking round the wall and avoiding the vigilant stare of the guards, I was close to assuming that this wall had been erected only because of my presence here within the underworld, but I was wrong. The wall had been created since the beginning of time, and as I watched, I assumed the wall was only built to keep Zurk inside. I was wrong again.

A slight commotion was going on near the entrance into the city. A doomed and condemned soul headed towards that direction suddenly bolted free of his chains and was running in the opposite direction. He was suddenly chased by a dozen demons who were much faster than he was and he was caught. He was beaten severely and dragged into the city where, if it was possible, I thought I could hear him scream the loudest and the longest that all the other screams faded in comparison. I swallowed bitter spittle and shook where I hid. I quickly said a quick prayer and planned on how to enter into the city using the wall.

My plans quickly fell to nothing when I noticed again another soul trying to escape over the wall. He never went as far as the top-most part of the wall when the fire that had surrounded the wall quickly caught up with him and consumed him whole! The guards that had seen him escape never batted even an eye-lash! They had only watched and waited and when the guy was gone, they continued with their patrol on the wall. I shuddered and froze in fear. Trying to collect myself, I thought that the fire that surrounded the wall only attacked those doomed people, but when I dared to touch it; my fingers were burnt very badly. However, the wall cracked slightly where I had touched it, and I was shocked.

"The fire on the wall burns me, yet it cracked? How is that even possible?"

I began contemplating on this interesting oddity, and then it hit me. I quickly looked at where the guy had tried to escape to see if anything had happened, but there was no sign of any crack to the wall, but yet he had been burnt by the fire. I was also burnt, but I had also cracked the wall.

"Now I understand. Any ordinary fire would not harm us because in the spirit form that we are, we are completely immune to anything that would be within the physical plane, yet this is not the physical plane. This fire, somehow, has been created in such a way as to harm and even kill us, so we are completely vulnerable! However, I cracked it the moment I had touched it implying that I am the special one. I may have been burnt, but because I'm pure in spirit, the crack shows that the wall can yield to light!"

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