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Harry's POV
"Hermione, I've already thrown all of my school things away. I figured it'd be rubbish." I whine trying hopelessly to talk her out of making me go back.

"Well Harry, too bad. You have tons of galleons to spend, and what better is there than for school?" She replies.

"Sweets? A flat? Nearly anything 'Mione" Ron chimes in. I nod my head in agreement and she simply pulls us along. We grumble and moan about all the things we could do instead and she replies to our stupider remarks.

Finally, we reach Gringotts and I enter my safe. I grab enough money for mine and Ron's supplies knowing he didn't want to ask his family for the money they didn't have.

As we trudge through Diagon Alley we see some familiar faces and everyone seems to be staring at us. Even though it has been this way since first year I'm still not used to it.

I walk directly into someone and look up to see Malfoy. He mutters a sorry before looking up. His grays eyes turn cold and he looks as if he is about to make a rude remark.

I beat him on speaking and say "Sorry Draco. Didn't mean to bump you." He seems utterly confused and I try not to burst into laughter at his face.

As I wait for a rude comment I realize that he is staring at me. Eventually he mutters, "I guess it's fine, Po-Harry."
I am stunned that he returned my nice gesture and nod before continuing to walk past him with a bewildered looking Ron and Hermione.

Before I get fully past he asks me, "Are you being resorted or are you staying in Gryffindor?"

I turn around and look at him suspiciously and say, "I was gonna be resorted, it sounds fun to see where I might be placed." He nods in agreement, and we exchange goodbyes.

My two best friends and I continue buying things and I end it off by buying all three of us ice cream. We are officially stocked up on school supplies. We come to the realization that there will be twice as many first years- even if it is technically second for some. We wonder how many students will go back to redo seventh year. We just sit there thinking when we see Neville and his gran walking towards us.

"Hey! Neville? How have you been, mate? We haven't seen you in a while." Ron says standing up grinning from ear to ear. Neville is caught off guard and looks up surprised.

"Oh, hello." He says in his quiet voice. "I have been good. Everyone seems to stare at me nowadays. I know what it musta been like for you Harry."

I nod with a small smile on my face. "So I guess you are going back? Plan on being resorted?"

"Gran thinks I should resort but I dunno, I don't think I could get back in Gryffindor." He says and looks down a bit self-consciously.

"Well that is the point in resorting! I hope I don't end up back in Gryffindor. I had a lot of fun but I want to test one of the other houses while I can." I comment.

He looks at me surprised, "What if you get in Slytherin?"

I simply shrug, "Well that would be an interesting twist, wouldn't it?" I state simply.

He looks at me as if I am the three headed dog from first year. I just give him a lopsided grin and voice my opinion, "I think you should resort but it is fully up to you."

He nods and walks away and seems to be contemplating what I said.

"Well, it is nearly half past seven and I think Kreacher is expecting me home for dinner. We can meet at Grimmauld Place tomorrow at eight so we can catch the train on Thursday together at eleven."

After our goodbye's I apparate home so I can wash up and go to sleep. I tell Kreacher that I am not hungry and he looks almost worried before nodding and leaving me to wash.

Kreacher's POV

I know how wrong it is to spy on my master but I am worried. He hasn't eaten any meal I have made him in three days. He seems pale and as soon as he gets home I always hear retching sounds coming from the bathroom. I worry my master is sick but he has forbade me from speaking of it. He has been a very generous master indeed but I would give up most things he has given to help him.

Not to mention his sleeping habits. He falls asleep in the early morning and awakens shortly after. When he is asleep he tosses and turns, haunted by nightmares. He always has darkness under his eyes and his clothes have gotten baggier. Although it is nearly September it hasn't gotten too cold and yet he wears long sleeves. If only I could help my master.

Harry's POV

As I lie in bed images from the war come back. I can remember when the killing curse hit Ginny. She fell directly into George's arms. If she would have only listened to her mother. I know Fred blames himself seeing as he dodged the spell not thinking about the consequences. I don't blame him in the least, I blame myself. If i would have never gotten involved with her she wouldn't have been so tempted to fight. It is all my fault that she is gone. The Weasley's were constantly being so nice and I repay them by getting their daughter, the one I was so in love with, killed.

I look at the alarm clock next to my bed to see it is three in the morning. I fall asleep with images of her gorgeous red hair falling back and her last words of, "I love you, Harry, please move on."

Draco's POV

Three in the morning. It is three and yet I am awake listening to the noise of my parents fighting. My mum says they should turn themselves in, but my father thinks they can continue to pass off as being under the imperius curse. I can barely listen to their arguing and I am ecstatic that there is only one more full day until I get to go to Hogwarts. I can't wait to be resorted, I don't want to be in the same house as my father was, I hope I don't get put back in Slytherin. I fall asleep remembering all the horrible things I saw because I was a death eater.

So....sorry if this isn't very good. Please leave any ideas or comments. Feel free to correct my grammar and spelling. Oh! I decided that instead of Fred dying, Ginny died. This will help me a lot for progression of the story so please do not forget that. I am unsure of any other deaths I will change quite yet. Also, I want to add in a girlxgirl couple so what two characters should I get together? I hope this was semi-good. Love you all. ~Alyssa

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