Chapter 2:

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I awoke to the smell of bacon. I grabbed my robe and walked downstairs.

"Good morning baby," he said to me as he kissed my forehead.

"Baby, you know I'm vegan."

"Your food is on the table.. Already made.. Just the way you like it."

"Thanks baby."

"You're welcome."

I sat down and began to eat my soup..

"You know what?" He asked me. He sounded angry.

"What?" I asked. I tried not to sound scared.

"Fuck this shit.. Fuck it! I'm done! I can't fucking do this!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down!" I said as I ran to him. I walked him to the table and sat him down.

He flipped the table and the flowers went flying across the room, the vase broke, my soup spilled into my lap.

He stood up and he started to freak out even more.

"MARILYN!" I yelled.

He kept punching the walls.


He punched a mirror.

"Shit!" I mumbled as I ran over to him. I grabbed the gauze and covered up the would carefully. I called the ambulance.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

"My boyfriend just punched a mirror and I need an EMS here stat!"

"What's your address?"

I gave the operator my address and the EMS truck arrived within 20 minuets.

They put him on a gurney and they took off... (I went with them of course!)


"What happened?" the doctor asked.

"Well, Doctor Travis, Marilyn had a moment and flipped out... He was punching stuff. He flipped the table. Then, he punched a mirror. "

"Marilyn, what was going through your mind when this was happening?? What set you off?"

"Mister doctor, I can honestly say that I have no clue what had set me off... I don't remember doing it..All I remember was Jane running to me and calling 9-1-1."

The doctor cleaned out Marilyn's wound and stitched it up.. We went home later that night and Marilyn went and layed down on the bed.

"Come here,"he said as he waved me over to him..

I walked over to him and I layed next to him. His hand was put back in gauze.

"I love you so much Jane.. You mean a lot to me.. I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I didn't know I was doing it.. I feel horrible."

"Honey, it is okay," I said just before I kissed him.

He kissed me back and put me on top of him. He grabbed my ass and he began to get naughty.

I stopped kissing him and took off my shirt and sweats.

He squeezed my boob and smiled.


"If you didn't want me to do that, then why did you strip down like that?"

"Because... I can."

"Just like I can walk around the house in my boxers. Now you can't get mad at me."

" Ugh... Whatever," I said.

He kissed me again.


I awoke before Marilyn this time. I had made him some bacon and I made him pancakes... (Nothing special) The smell of the bacon made me want to vomit.

He came downstairs and smiled.

"Good morning,Love," I said as I kissed his cheek.

"Good morning. What is all of this for?"

"I don't know.. I just thought you would want some breakfast.Please don't get mad."

"I'm not mad. I'm actually.. I don't know how I feel.. Thanks."

"You're welcome baby. I love you so much."

"I love you too," he said as he sat down. He took a few pieces of bacon and some pancakes. "Where's your food?"

I sat my bowl on the table.

"You're losing weight. You know that right..."

"I am?"

"Yeah. I could tell when you were on me last night.. You aren't yourself... You don't even eat as much as you used to.. Jane, what's going on? Are you doing this to lose weight? You don't need to lose it. You're already skinny."

"So, you're saying that I was fat before?"

"I never said that.. I'm just saying that you're lighter than youi ever were."


"Why aren't you eating? You don't even have anything in that bowl. Where's the soup?"

"I-I-I don't want soup."

"What do you want then"

"To be skinny."

"Baby, you are skinny! You don't need to be skinny. You are perfect!!!!"

"No I'm not. I am fat and ugly!"

"Baby, you are NOT fat and you are NOT ugly!!! Why do you put yourself down like that... You are perfect the way you are and I love you so much!"

I smiled and grabbed some oats.

"You better eat those too."

"I will!"

He smiled and took a bite of his bacon.

"You're so cute Brian," I whispered to myself.

"I know I am," he replied.

"You heard me!?!"

"Hah, yeah."

I smiled.

This was just the start of an amazing day with Marilyn.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2013 ⏰

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