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Taken captive, that's how I saw it. Married for gain, rank, or status within the cartel, then ignored, and most of the time abandoned a short time later. I pushed those thoughts aside as a guard led Camden to our meeting place, a concrete box with one exit. Though it wasn't Camden's fault that he had been ordered to find someone to marry in order to take over, it had been his fault that he took advantage of Sharp Shooter's kindness and revealed identities of agents. In my opinion, even with my past, that had been the worst mistake Camden could have made.

"You must be Spit Fire, if I remember correctly," he had said when I first showed up at the prison cell he now called a home. We had been given privacy for this interrogation, and while two people walked in here, only one of us would walk out.

"I am," I replied curtly as I flashed him the weapon I had smuggled in for his cooperation. I took a seat at the only table in the dismal room, and then gestured for him to join me. "Must be hard to go from living large in a cartel to living in a dump like this."

The smirk quickly wiped off his face, to be replaced with a scowl. "It has been." His reply was short and to the point, much like mine. It showed that neither of us wanted to play games.

"I hear you gave up information on our agency to the Russians." It was a fact, not a question. I didn't have time to beat around the bush. Night Stripe is neck deep in the Russian mafia, and it's only a matter of time before they catch her. I needed to figure out how much Camden told Volodya, or anyone else, and hopefully prevent the information from spreading. "I want to know who you told and what you said."

"I mostly gave Volodya information on his man, or who he thought was his man," Camden growled. "I haven't had the opportunity to tell anyone else, yet."

Renegade's deception had taken a toll on Camden, and since then he had been determined to exact revenge, which included revealing over a dozen undercover agents. The one most put at risk had been Renegade. The remaining members of the Cardoza Cartel were after him as well as the Russian mafia in Gorod. Frankly, both at one point were as dangerous as the other, but now the Cardozas had lost all of their power. Once the last few survivors were rounded up, they would be gone for good.

Good riddance.

"I also told him who killed Ash Crest," Camden said with a menacing tone. I could tell from the tone he wanted a reaction, so when I didn't give him one he continued. "I spent a lot of time trying to track down who killed Ash. It was shocking to discover one of his marks had finished him off. The irony is almost too perfect. Don't you agree?"

Once again my face remained stoic, I already knew all of this. I wanted to know what he was determined to keep from me.

"Whose identities did you reveal?" I questioned, attempting to get us back on track. "How many agents?"

Camden sighed, clearly unamused that I wouldn't play into his game. "Not as many as you think, just the ones I've found out so far."

"Which are?"

He listed off a few names, which I mentally jotted down while attempting to determine if any of them were in danger. All of them were safe back at CIRA currently, and thankfully there had been no surprises. The last thing we needed was a agent on the outside with their cover blown. I almost believed that I was done, that I could head back to Russia and finish assisting Night Stripe if she needed it, but Camden had one bomb to drop on me.

"You never asked how I learned who you were," he said with whimsy in his voice.

I glanced up at him curiously. Honestly I hadn't thought about how he knew me, I didn't give a fuck. Frankly in about half an hour he'd be dead and gone and I'd be out the door. Though the knowing gleam in his eye had me curious.

Raging Fire (Guarded Secrets #4)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora