Chapter 18

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Oh my gosh! Carl just messaged me me.

You: Hey Carl. You're right it's been a while.

Carl Anderson: Hehe! Gina told you the news, right?

You: Yeah I did. I was so happy when I heard it. We really missed you, Carl.

Carl Anderson: I missed you too. 

You: What day are you coming home exactly? I asked Gina but she said that you only said was 'soon'.

Carl Anderson: I'm already on a trip as we speak.

You: Really? So that means you're here by tomorrow?

Carl Anderson: I guess so.

You: That's great!!! :P

Carl Anderson: Sandra, were you mad at me when I left?

I didn't know what to answer with his question. I didn't want to lie.

You: Honestly, I was. But then I got over it. 

Carl Anderson: Oh :'(

You: Come on! Let's forget about it. What's done is done. Let's just be happy that you're coming back. :D :)

Carl Anderson: You're right. :)

You: I can't wait for you to arrive. I'm so excited.

Carl Anderson: Me too.

You: Carl, one question. Are you staying here temporarily or permanently?

Carl Anderson: Permanently.

You: :))) :D

Carl Anderson: That's a lot of emoticons.

You: IKR. I'm just so happy.

Carl Anderson: I'm happy when you're happy.

That made me blush a little.

Carl Anderson: Look, I gotta go. See you tomorrow!!! :)

You: Okay! See ya!!!

Well, that was quite a chat. I jumped up and down! I'm so happy that I'm--we're gonna see him. Hehe! I decided to go downstairs to watch T.V. and eat snacks. I am definitely in a good mood today. While I was climbing down the stairs I shouted "Yahooooooooo!!! Carl is arriving tomorrow!!!" from the top of my lungs. 

I grabbed some chips from the cupboard and canned soda from the fridge. After that, I headed straight to the living room.

"Hey, D! You don't mind if I call you that right?" I asked while sitting down the couch beside him.

"Not. At. All." he answered then gritted his teeth.

I started gobbling up the chips that I got while watching whatever he's watching.

"So what are we watching?" I asked.

"Uhh...television." he said with a duh tone while pointing the remote to the T.V.

"I know. But what movie in the television are we exactly watching?" 

He rolled his eyes then said "Isn't it obvious? It's Spiderman." irritatingly.

"Right..." I said turning back to the T.V. "What's with you anyway? You sound like you've been scolded by your mother or something?" I added while popping a chip to my mouth.

He didn't answer my question. I got very irritated with his snobiness that I grabbed the remote from him and turned the T.V. off.

"Hey, I was watching!!!" he yelled.

"Seriously, what is wrong with you? Why are you so annoyed?" I faced him.

He clenched his teeth and looked away. "I'm just not in a good mood today!" he said while facing the window.

"Why?!" I asked angrily and eagerly.

"Be-because...I don't know!" he shouted to me.

"W-wait! Are you jealous?" I blurted. My mad face turned into an amuzed one.

"What? No! What kind of question is that?" he said witha disgusted look.

"Whoops sorry! I just lost track of my thoughts. Haha!" I said raising my hands as if surrendering to the police. "You just act like you are jealous." I added.

He just grinned while shaking his head.

"Now that's what I've been waiting for all day. You're 'okay' grin." I told him.

"You just made me laugh with your question." he said while smiling his charming smile at me. Wait! did I just say charming? Blecchhhh!!! Sandra, you're totally grossing me out. This guy is charming? The other part of my brain said.

We stared at each other for a while. Our gazes locked. But then I broke the silence but clearing my throat and said "Right, so I better turn on the T.V." while grabbing the remote and turning on the T.V.

"Can I have some of your chips?" he asked.

"Only if you say please." I said immitating the voice of Snow White in the movie called Mirror Mirror.

"Ha! Make me!" he said.

''Then I won't give you any." I pouted.

"Fine! I'll just get my own then." he said while standing up and heading to the kitchen.

Our movie marathon went great! We really had fun.

At night, granny arrived.

"Granny, where have you been? It's already 10 pm! We were worried sick." I scolded. I thought I was the teenager.

"Sorry dear. It's bingo night." she said while heading to her room.

I sighed and shook my head. I turned off the lights in the kitchen and living room then I also headed straight to my bedroom. As soon as I lied on my bed, I got to sleep immediately.



When I woke up, I immediately got to the shower and after that I put on some decent clothes.

When I got down and arrived at the kitchen I suddenly shouted "Goodmorning!!!"

"Someone is in a very good mood today." granny bagan with a smile.

"Yeah, because she's gonna see Carl. The love of her life!" Drake teased, immitating a girl's voice.

"Shut up!" I scolded at him.

"Hahaha!!!" he laughed.

"Um...granny, I think I'm gonna pass with the burger. I'll just eat a granola bar in school. I have to go early." I excused myself.

"Why is that?" she said while putting her hands on her hips.

"Like I said a while ago, granny. She's gonna meet up with Carl today." Drake interrupted.

Granny grinned at me and said "Okay, dear." 

I smiled at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I walked towards the exit of the kitchen. But then I paused, went back in and punched Drake lightly on the side of his right arm.Then I ran fast towards the front door before Drake changes his mind and come after me to strangle me.


While I was walking down the hallway, I noticed that no one was gossiping about me anymore. Thank You God!!! It really feels good. When I arrived at my locker, Gina was there but not just her. There was a boy talking to her. I know the boy alright.

Carl Anderson.


Yey! Sandra meets Carl!!! Please vote, comment and add the story to your reading list. Please, please, please, pretty please!!! Thankyou very much :) <3

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