Annoying cub

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As i came to the edge of the forest i could see a town full of people and brightly coloured stalls. i felt a lump in my throat, as i stayed in the cover of the forest.

i stood there for hours watch as people walk around with out a care in the world. Something pulled me out of this daze, some thing was pulling at my tail.

i turn around to see a wolf cub eyeing up my tail ready to pounce. it was black with white shocks. then it bounced, but i moved my tail and it landed it a big hep.

"what are you doing" raising an eyebrow.

blinking " trying to catch your tail" 

"well go away"

"what if i don't want to."

this cub had some guts, but i knew this probably because it mother was near by.

"play with me!" it said jumping up and down.


"your no fun!"

"go and play with your mother"

"Mothers dead!" tears welled in its eyes

"well then who is looking after you?"

"Miss Parkinson, are neighbour. i ran away from the house though because she would not let me watch TV"

in the distance "Leo, were the hell are you? you can't have gone far." miss P yelled at the top of her lungs 

"well i should go, sis might kill me if Miss P complains again" 

then Leo disappeared into the under growth.

I looked back at the market, people were slowly leaving and i thought to my self maybe i'm not alone.

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