Chapter 2

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It's been two months since my encounter with Harry and I can't say that I'm not disappointed that I haven't seen him since.

I don't really know what I was expecting, he's probably even forgotten about me by now.  I couldn't help but feel disheartened at the thought.

I mean, really, let's take a moment to think why he would even bother with me.

I don't think I'm ugly or anything, but I don't think I'm exactly what you would call 'beautiful' either. I was average, that's all. And no ever remembers average, right?

I sighed as I picked my backpack, suddenly not in the mood for dance anymore. I silently made my way out of the studio, rushing outside as I didn't want anyone to notice my absence till I was gone.

I practically ran down the street trying to remember where I parked my small car, before I came crashing into a hard surface.

I closed my eyes and reached out my hands expecting to be met with the cement pavement, but was surprised when the 'thud' and the pain never came.

"You can opens your eyes love" a deep voice chuckled.



"You can open your eyes love." I chuckled, staring at the beautiful girl who lay in my arms a few inches from the ground. Her eyes were screwed shut, crinkled at the ends as she anticipated a fall.

Slowly her eyes opened and she looked around cautiously before her ocean, blue eyes landed on mine. "Hi" she whispered, her voice small.

"Hello" I smiled.

I noticed a small blush creep on her face as she realized she was still in my arms.

"Sorry" she mumbled, standing up properly before straightening her blue shirt.

I took a moment to look her up and down. Besides the blue shirt, she was wearing tight yoga pants, that highlighted her curved bottom and long legs. To say she was a fit was an understatement.

I heard her clear her throat, trying to get my attention.

I looked up embarrassed that I had been caught checking her out, I looked down scratching the back of my neck.

"Nothing to be nervous about, 's just me, love" I heard her say, imitating my voice just like the day we met at the store.

My eyes lit up at the memory and I chuckled lowly, "Still a pretty bad impression" I noted, a mocking smile on my face.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." She said rolling her up eyes but an amused smile still on her face. "How are you?"

"Great and you?" I replied politely.

"Good," she answered.

I nodded, "Well the boys and I went to South Africa..." I said smiling.

"And it was amazing right? A couple of my friends went to the show in Joburg, said you guys were incredible." Her smile was incredible.

"Well I wish we could've stayed longer, we didn't even know the fan base was that large there, but yeah, it was lovely" I said truthfully.

She nodded and we fell into awkward silence.

"I was actually making my way to the store, where you work.." I started.


"Um, I wanted to see if maybe you wanted to, uh, hang out sometime..." I don't know why I was so nervous, I have had my fair share of asking girls out and I knew that confidence was key, but I couldn't help but worry that she wasn't interested, or what if she had a boyfriend, surly she did, look at her. "Only if you want to though, you really don't have to, I, uh- just, um, sorry, never mind, um-"

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