Chapter 1

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Cordell POV

So yea wassup my name is Cordell and I'm Brittney's big bro and you know I protect my sisters like my life depends on it. So I was helping unload the truck and I happend to see one of our new neighbors. So I went say wassup to him.

" Yo wassup man I'm new to the neighbor hood with my family so I came say wassup."

"Yea man wassup hope you're liking the neighborhood and by the way I'm August." August said.

"Yea I'm loving the neighborhood and my name is Cordell. But aight I have to go help unpack. It was nice meeting you."

"You too." August said

Man this is a nice neighborhood.

Brittney POV

I was just jamming to turn down for what and unpacking when I felt my told iPhone 6 vibrate. My friends had sent me pictures of my boyfriend Harden kissing another girl at my old colloege. I was so mad. I went to bed and cried myself to sleep.

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