Ch2: getting down to answers

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Alex's (Niall ) POV:

I wake up to talking and the cold surrounding me I pick up on what there saying

" Liam look how thin Niall is and he's so pale " I hear a voice I figure out as Zayn

"I know and he wasn't bubbly like he usually is and he barely at any food ......what happened he was only gone for a week " Liam says

"Maybe being home made him homesick and so he just misses home" (sorry I forgot to mention but Greg was never born just Alex and Niall )

Liam says

I feel some one grab my arm and gasp " L-Liam L-look he cuts " zayn says

My heart sinks oh no what have I done know one knows I cut or about me being bullied and now Nialls friends thinks he cuts oh I'm suck and idiot how could I agree to this

Well I don't need them finding out other things about me so I may as well get up

I let out a groan and stir in their grasp they quickly leave as I wake up and rub the sleep out of my eyes then get up and go to the connected bathroom and start the shower i strip my clothing and get in

After I wash my self and get I out I dry my self a bit then go to Niall's closet and see shirts that don't cover your arms at all w-what how can I wear these things ......but I've already worried his friends enough I'm gonna have to try to act like him even if that means betraying my long sleeves and video games and eat more food I put on a pair of skinny jeans and slide of of the rags he calls a shirt and fix my hair and I take out some cover up and cover my scars a trick I learned so my mom wouldn't worry

I walked down the stairs ok so how do I be bubbly well lets see think funny stuff ok yeah ok funny

As I walk down a hall I laugh a bit about a joke and place a smile on as I think of happy memories when I get to the living room I sit down and every one turns my way and Liam says "why" I arch one of my eye brows up and say "why what ". "Why do you cut why didn't you tell us how you felt we could have helped " "What " I question he looks me in the eyes and as he sees my confusion I'm acting he's eyes soften and fall to my ams he takes them In his hand as gently as possible like ill break if he's not carefull he turns over my wrist and come up empty he checks the other one but sees nothing as well

"B-but we saw the cuts " he murmurs. "Maybe you guys were just over worried about him being home sick and imagined it " Harry says

" I guess " Liam murmurs

I space out thinking of things what if Niall saw my cuts he'd be so mad at me :( he'd think I'm some emo and tell mom ad they would hate too and kick me out and then I wouldn't have a family oh I promise Ill stop no more I promise just don't kick me out ok please

I I just could take you being gone Niall and when you left the bullying started and I just could take it but I promise

I - the train of thoughts is stopped when

I hear yelling "NIALL ANSWER US PLEASE YOU'VE BEEN STANDING THERE FOR AND HOUR " I come backs to reality and wipe away some tears and look down every ones staring at me "sorry just thinking of home n-stuff " I say and place a smile on

"Come on Niall lets go swimming " Louis childishly says

"O-ok" I say unsurely not realy being able to swim very well but I mean it's like a bike ill learn plus ill probably just stay in the shallow

"Yay then go get dressed " Louis says I look down to notice their already in their trunks I nod and walk off and put on a pair of swim trunks and grab a towel and walk down to meet the boys ......I hope the dye is fully set I can't remember how long it has to stay dry but it's been 24 it should be fine

We walk down and once we get there the boys jump in or slid in. I just sit on the ledge with my feet in as I think about how this will be fun how I can see what Niall always blabs about in the phone And just how Nialls doing being me and just random things I just watch the waves as they faze me and put me into a state I focus on them as an almost rainbow like color goes I between them making it shine

The water gets closer and closer until I'm in in head first at first I just drift down and look around in the water threw open eyes then I feel my chest I realize I'm out of breath at first when my body try's to breath but my mouth is closed it heaves slowly then soon it's heaving fast and I can't stay under much longer I push up and try to get to the surface as I try to breath I get to the wall and hold on coughing my lungs out as they fill with air when I finnaly stop I look around to be surprised no one noticed wow its a good thing I got up or they would of not seen me die well I'm ok oh god I use the

Wall to get to the shallow and to the stairs I see a drop of yellow I look down to see dye 0.0 oh god um maybe if I dry it it will stop I take the towel I had and rub my hair really good when I stop I feel it dry ok good

Wow why so much drama in the first two days gosh why can't things just simmer down well maybe I'm just not used to this considering my average day consists of school home home work video games. Video games sleep school and an accashional peace of food so I don't worry my mom and yeah

So all these activities are just unusual to me hmm maybe I can sneak back home and hook up my lap top and Skype Niall or something yeah

-when Alex gets home by him self-

I sit on my bed and log into Skype and call Niall .....he answers fast

-convo between Alex and Niall

N : hey Alex what's up

A:oh nothing just missed you is all

N: oh um hey Alex do you ever get harassed at school or anything or bullied

A: um naming calling but never major

N: um so alex you never told me your friends

A: oh it's cuz I don't really have any

N: oh um sorry

"Hey Niall you here " some one shots

A: um got to go their back

I shut the lap top and and lay down and close my eyes and steady my breathing shortly I hear foot steps enter the room I feel a blanket put on me

I soon drift off

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