2. New Style

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     Julia woke me up early this morning. Which is strange considering she was out partying all last night.

" You should've went last night." Julia said putting in her earrings.

" I had to study, plus I was really tired." This was true I can't hardly keep my eyes open.

" That's your excuse every time. I'm dragging you with me tonight. You can't keep hiding in this apartment."
" Whatever Julia, why did you wake me up at 7am."

" We are getting you clothes for tonight. My grandma has a better closet than you."

" My clothes aren't bad! I just dress for the weather."

" Phoebe your style is dreadful. Take it as me being your fairy godmother for tonight."

     I just rolled my eyes and stuffed my face further in my pillow. Who wakes up at 7am to go shopping?

2 hours later-

"That one!" We have been here for an hour and she has said this for every outfit I've tried on.

"Julia you've said this for every outfit.."

"Because you look good in anything." I just rolled my eyes at this and looked into the full body mirror. I was definitely not wearing this. It was tight black lace dress with a low VNeck. Something I would never wear.

"I'm trying on one more out fit and if it doesn't look good I'm not going."

" Alright, alright I'll find something more... You?"

Slipping the tight material off there was knock on the door. How does she find clothes this fast?

" Try this."

For once Julia picked out something I actually liked. It was tight leather skinny jeans with a white low cut stylish tank top. High heels and a black emerald necklace to finish the look. I turned the knob to go out the door instead of just walking through I hit something. What the?

"Watch it"

"I'm sorry I didn't see any-" Woah. I was met with a guy around my age with deep hazel eyes covered by thick lashes.  Very attractive. His eyes lingered on mine for a couple seconds slowly making there way down my body.

" Whatever" he says walking away.

"Did I just see the Phoebe check out a guy?"

" Don't jump to conclusions Julia. It was merely a glance.."

"If that was a glance I wonder how your stare is."

"Julia!" I whisper-scream lightly hitting her arm. I take one last glance in the store. I wonder who that was?

Many hours later-

"I'm not going, I'm not going , I'm not-"

"Phoebe! You promised! And I payed for your outfit so your going and that's final! Plus those pants make your booty look even bigger. The guys will be all over you!"

" Julia I don't get guys, if anything they run away screaming in terror."

" You need to stop talking before my hand accidentally slips and hits your face. Look up I have to finish your mascara then we can go."

I never wear make up. If anything Julia messed around on my face sometimes after she watched some YouTube tutorial.

"All done! Phoebe you look hot!"

I rolled my eyes and looked in the mirror. I looked different. My hair was in perfect styled curls, my lips stood out due to the lipstick, and my eyes stood out because of the mascara. My long legs longer in the heels, I almost didn't recognize the girl in the mirror.

" I gotta say Julia you really know what your doing."

"I know, anyways lets go we are going to be late!"

At the Club-

The music was blasting through the whole entire club. Sticky bodies dancing everywhere. Couples were making out in each corner and others just stood drinking there alcohol. Not my scene.

" Julia are you sure this is a good idea being here?"

" Stop worrying, you are fine. I will go get us some drinks to calm yourself."

" I'll go with you, who knows where you'll wonder off to."

I followed Julia up the winded staircase up to the bar on the second floor. Apparently Julia had known some one so we could get VIP passes. We made our way to the bartender on the far left side of the long table. Julia started ordering our drinks and I decided to look around. The room was big, very big. The club was considered one of the most top notch clubs in the city. Chandeliers covered the ceiling and a fountain in the middle of the room. The walls were black making the softly lit candles even brighter. The second floor was very different from the first. After looking around I realized my heels had unbuckled on the side. I bent down to tighten them, but when I went to stand up again my head caused someone or something to fall.

"What the hell!"

What are the odds? It was the same exact guy from the dress shop. I slowly stood up, panting from being in such shock. I looked into his lash covered eyes to see him glaring at me.

" You must find it funny to run into people. Is this a habit or am I the lucky contestant?"

" I'm sorry my shoe came unbuckled.. A-and I d-didn't see anyone. A-n "

I stopped when I seen his intense stare. He looked so Serious, or so I thought before he let out a soft chuckle.

" Calm down doll face. I've taken harder hits than that." He said with a smirk. It was just then that I realized his tone was laced with sarcasm.

"Well I'm sorry. I'll be on my way now." I said desperate to get out of his intense stare. Where is Julia? Looking at my heels brushing my curled hair behind my ear I started to walk away. A rush of anxiety hit me as I felt his stare on me as I turned around.

" Wait."

I felt a tug on my arm that caused me to turn around to see his face inches from mine.

"I think I at least deserve a name?"

I think you should get your very attractive face out of my face so I can actually think like a rational person. Is what I wanted to say, but I didn't. All I said was,

"Phoebe. Phoebe Grace."

And I took one last glance of the stranger I still didn't know the name of and left to find my friend.


Hope you guys are liking it so far. I have a lot planned!


Written on A Park BenchWhere stories live. Discover now